When look at kibana, how can we use debug mode in vscode

when look at kibana, how can we use debug mode in vscode

what's the right config! please just post me a lanuch.json config for vscode

I don't use VSCode, so might not be of much help. I pinged the team to see if anyone does.

It's a node application, and it appears the examples for VSCode are also for node. Maybe those will work. Is there information about the structure of the application you need for the configuration?

The entrypoint is scripts/kibana.js

I usually debug using node --debug-brk --inspect scripts/kibana.js

this is no entrypoint scripts/kibana.js in kibana 5.x, even not exist in kibana 6.x

scripts/kibana.js is only in master (7.0). Use bin/kibana when developing against previous versions.

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