I noticed that when I use Kibana's "Quick" timepickers, the most recent data shown is 2 hours behind my browser's time. This only happens with the "Last..." options. If I use "Today", all the data is shown.
It is worth mentioning that the server (Ubuntu 18.04) where Kibana runs has UTC (running date command returns "Wed Apr 10 16:17:15 UTC 2019"). I tried changing the timezone but it does not help.
Where does Kibana get the "now" date?
Some additional details:
I configured Kibana to use UTC instead of the default Browser setting (Kibana -> Managament -> Advanced Settings -> dateFormat:tz) (If I do not use UTC, then log timestamps do not match Kibana timestamps)
From this post,
I got to know that there is a timepicker:quickRanges setting that I modified to "make it work" for the "Last 7 days" option. I changed this:
"from": "now-7d",
"to": "now",
"display": "Last 7 days",
"section": 1
into this:
"from": "now-7d",
"to": "now/d",
"display": "Last 7 days",
"section": 1
However, I would like ALL "Last..." options to use the now date that my browser is using which should happen by using "Browser" in the dateFormat:tz setting.
How should I fix this issue?
Here are some screen shots to visualize the problem:
Kibana with dateFormat:tz = UTC and default "Quick" timepicker options:
Kibana with dateFormat:tz = Browser and default "Quick" timepicker options:
Kibana with dateFormat:tz = UTC and modified "Quick -> Last 7 days" timepicker option (notice that more data is visualized as the "to" property is set to "now/d"):
Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!