Which particular elastic API is underneath the APM Health status flag underneath the Application Service Inventory?

Which elastic API is underneath the APM Health status flag underneath the Application Service Inventory?

1st Question - What empowers the health status flag in the observability APM service inventory UI view? DO the depend on ML Jobs .. anomaly detection 'mljob-apm-stauscode' ?

2nd Question - How and why did the 'status flags' get impacted when using the same endpoint - 'YOUR_CLUSTER.westeurope.azure.elastic-cloud.com/internal/apm/services' could we use any better options ?

Azure Marketplace - ELK stack version - v8.16.1

APM Agent language and version: OTEL

Browser version: Chrome Any version, Any browser


Description of the problem including expected versus actual behavior. Please include screenshots (if relevant):

I am using endpoint 'YOUR_CLUSTER.kb.westeurope.azure.elastic-cloud.com/internal/apm/services' which gets me health status when using environment tag 'ENVIRONMENT_ALL' previously 'prod' use to work from past few weeks it stopped?

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Go to Observability

  2. Click on Application Service Inventory

  3. See the Health status flag in the left for any apm services you onboarded.

Errors in browser console (if relevant): Sometimes flasg show up and sometime not