While installing Elastic search on Windows 7 , i am getting an error where in the "service install" cmd is not recognized in command prompt

While installing Elastic search on Windows 7 , i am getting an error where in the "service install" cmd is not recognized in command prompt.

I have installed JDK , and have created the environment variable as well .

JAVA_HOME : C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_131\

Please help me!

I am guessing you get an error like : 'service' is not recognised as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file
The error means there is no "service" command, on windows the command might be after is called "sc"

Can you use elasticsearch-service.bat to install the service? This is documented here : https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/windows.html
Can you also make sure the command line is run as administrator in case you get a permission error?

Hope this helps


Thank you Julien, i am able to run the command as you pointed out correctly. However when i run this command. I see a message which say service is installed, but i am not able to start the service.

Can you please comment on this?


Hi Gourav,
If you can't start the service, please check the elasticsearch logs and find out which Error(s) appear. If you can't find documentation on the error raise it and we should be able to help direct you to the right resources
In case you have no log file error, and an error from windows when starting the service, check that the service may be running by connecting to http://localhost:9200 - if you can connect elasticsearch is running

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Could you try a manual form to install the service...

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