Why alias field name does not show in discover mode, and index pattern has created

I have 24 actual fields in each document, and also with alias on each actual field name, so in total 24 aliases with string , number and date type.

I also have created index pattern for that, but I am not sure why I am not able to see all my alias name in discover mode from the selected index pattern, but only actual field name, and I only see three aliases with "date" type appeared in the discover mode , not the string type and the rest.

Does anyone know why? Is it related to the way I create the index pattern or related to the fiel mapping?

Can you post some more info? And screenshots as well?


I have created our field mapping in the devtool, and below show a segment on how our field mapping looks like. In the picture below you can see that the Activity_Name, Activity_Type, Created_Time are the aliases of prefix_activity_name, prefix_activity_type, prefix_created_time.


Most of my aliases are not shown up in the "Available fields" section in "Discover", the only alias that show up on the "Available field" are those with Date type, and only the actual field name available in the "Available fields"

I have written more explanation in the screenshot.

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