I have run isolated containers for ES and Kibana and exposed their ports in to the host machine. When I run Kibana it can connect to ES:9200:
{"type":"log","@timestamp":"2018-05-19T10:05:24Z","tags":["status","plugin:elasticsearch@6.2.4","info"],"pid":1,"state":"green","message":"Status changed from red to green - Ready","prevState":"red","prevMsg":"Unable to connect to Elasticsearch at"}
It reports that I could not connect to 9200 port but when I started ES container. It turned from red to green state.
When I check count of documents for a specific index it reports that it's increasing, so data is being imported into ES:
curl http://localhost:9200/_cat/indices/lgg-20180519?v
health status index uuid pri rep docs.count docs.deleted store.size pri.store.size
yellow open lgg-20180519 UIya79T-TMadxZMJdNcIeQ 5 1 **246** 0 412.1kb 412.1kb
Count of documents is 246 and goes up.
Now when I go to Kibana
dashboard and use devTools
to list indices by command GET _cat/indices
, it reports that it just only has:
yellow open .kibana dyQy2N7TRa-1TMtjgXu8KQ 1 1 1 0 3.6kb 3.6kb
But I'm almost sure that indices are much more than that, As I have issued a command to list indices. What is happening and why data is not listed in Kabana?
Sample document in ES for lgg-20180519
is like below:
"_index" : "lgg-20180519",
"_type" : "lgg",
"_id" : "uPrpd2MBGspCRkmTPSrj",
"_score" : 1.0,
"_source" : {
"container_id" : "fe5e95b40050f793f224bf87ee8fa5c8b34c04aae4a823021e3e02fe1b6c1d8e",
"container_name" : "/dev_lgg.1.mk5dcm444o3zfc8sjuefafgu5",
"source" : "stderr",
"log" : "2018-05.......TRUNCATED",
"@timestamp" : "2018-05-19T10:19:00.000000000+00:00"
It has timestamp. It has data. I'm really frustrated with this problem. Any help would be appreciated.
The interesting thing about this is that when I use cURL
to do the exact same thing as Kibana in host machine:
curl "http://localhost:5601/elasticsearch/lgg-20180519/_mapping/field/*?_=1526727164121&ignore_unavailable=false&allow_no_indices=false&include_defaults=true"
It cannot found the index either! Why is this happening. Does kibana need any other configuration other than ES host and port