Will logging in DEBUG level cause performance issues in Logstash?

Just wanted to know whether there will be any performance issues when the logging level is changed to DEBUG in logstash.

Excessive logging will of course incur a CPU and I/O cost, but whether that cost degrades performance in a measurable way depends on e.g. your current load.

Thank you Magnus for the reply. Is that because DEBUG level logging provides more information than normal logging level?

Producing more data costs more, yes.

Is that cost something that shouldnt be cared about or does that make big difference and affect the performance a lot? Its okay if it affects 2% of performance, but is a problem if it affects 20%.

As I said, whether that cost degrades performance in a measurable way depends on e.g. your current load. That's the best answer you're going to get. Measure what difference it makes for you and judge for yourself if that difference is material to you.

Thank you Magnus for the answer! :):slightly_smiling_face:

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