Windows Mass Beats Deployment

Powershell script for deploying beats modules. Can be used with group policy.
Hopefully this can be of use to anyone else starting out with the ELK stack.

$beats = "Metricbeat", "Heartbeat", "Auditbeat", "Winlogbeat", "Packetbeat"
# Path to remote location containing beats folders with all files inside. File path can be a network share such as \\server\beatsfolder
# Download your files from as Windows Zip files and extract the folders and name them
# Metricbeat, Heartbeat, Auditbeat, Winlogbeat, Packetbeat accordingly. Place these folder in the same directory in the remote location.
# This will copy each folder into the client's Program Files directory.
# Replace/Modify the *beat.yml file with the config you need.
$beatslocation = "<remote file location here>"
foreach ($beat in $beats){
$beatlower = $beat.ToLower()
    if ((Test-Path -Path "C:\Program Files\$beat\") -eq $false){
        # Pull all files from directory if path does not exist
        copy "$beatslocation\$beat\" -Recurse "C:\Program Files\$beat\" -Force
        & "C:\Program Files\$beat\install-service-$beatlower.ps1"
        Start-Service $beat
        # Update Config if path exists and restart service. Packetbeat has an issue where it does not properly
        # stop/restart, so it kills the process then restarts it.
        copy "$beatslocation\$beat\$beatlower.yml"  "C:\Program Files\$beat\$beatlower.yml" -Force
        if ($beat -eq "Packetbeat"){
            if ((Get-Service | Select-Object name) -contains $beatlower) {
                Get-Service | where name -eq $beatlower | kill -Force
                Start-Service $beatlower
            else {
                Start-Service $beatlower
        else {
            Restart-Service $beat
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Updated for a clean uninstall /reinstall

$beats = "Auditbeat", "Filebeat", "Heartbeat", "Metricbeat", "Packetbeat", "Winlogbeat"
$beatslocation = "<remote file location here>"
foreach ($beat in $beats) {
    $beatlower = $beat.ToLower()
#Stop service and wipe path
    if ((Test-Path -Path "C:\Program Files\$beat\") -eq $true) {
        if ((Get-Service -Name "$beat" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -ne $null) {
            Write-Host "$beat Service found. Stopping service."
            #Force Packetbeat to stop
            if ($beat -eq "Packetbeat") {
                Get-Service | where name -eq $beatlower | kill -Force -erroraction SilentlyContinue
            else {
                Stop-Service $beat
        Write-Host "Removing Program Files for $beat"
        Remove-Item "C:\Program Files\$beat" -Recurse
    if ($beat -eq "Packetbeat") {
        if ((Test-Path -Path "C:\Program Files\Npcap\") -eq $false) {
            Write-Host "Npcap not installed. Running installer."
            Unblock-File -Path "C:\Program Files\$beat\install-service-$beatlower.ps1"
            & "C:\Program Files\$beat\install-service-$beatlower.ps1"
            Unblock-File -Path "$beatslocation\Npcap\npcap-1.72.exe"
            & "$beatslocation\Npcap\npcap-1.72.exe"
        Read-Host "Press enter when the installer is finished: "
        else {
            Write-Host "Npcap already installed. Skipping installer."
#Create path
    Write-Host "$beat is not installed. Copying files."
    copy "$beatslocation\$beat\" -Recurse "C:\Program Files\$beat\" -Force
#Install service and start service
        Unblock-File -Path "C:\Program Files\$beat\install-service-$beatlower.ps1"
        & "C:\Program Files\$beat\install-service-$beatlower.ps1"
    Start-Service $beat
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@Nathan.Arnall Welcome to the community and thanks for Sharing.
I updated the Title so perhaps people searching for Windows can find easier!


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