Workplace SF connector fail "Unable to load page"

Hi Team,

After we succeed to sync Sharepoint with Elastic workspace I'm trying to connect Salesforce with no success. We getting "Unable to load page"

and the URL -

We could not find any successful or failed login attempts via the elastic app in SF logs.

please assist :slight_smile:

Thank you,

Hi Noam,

Can you give me some more context?

  1. Are you getting redirected to Salesforce, enter your credentials there and get an error?
  2. Which version of Enterprise Search are you running? Are you running on Elastic Cloud, or hosting the services yourself?
  3. Did you set up your Salesforce OAuth App using the official guide?


Hi Artem,

We are hosting the services in our local server.

We walk through your guide but I found another guide
what is the difference?

This our configuration in SF:

Thank you

The difference is that the guide that you've linked is for a different tool of ingestion - Connectors. They will also bring data from Salesforce to your deployment and is a recommended way to do so as Workplace Search is not being actively developed.

Maybe you can switch to using connectors and see if it works for you?

Returning back to your original problem, I see that the error that you get is missing+required+code+challenge. I see in your setup that you have "PKCE" enabled, you might need to turn it off to make the Workplace Search connector work. Alternatively, as mentioned above, you can try the Salesforce Connector hosted on your infrastructure outside of Enterprise Search deployment.

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