Guage visual builder has many hosts to show in visualization. but those bcomes very small.
Ho can I make them wrap to the second row so that their size will become good enough to read form long distance.
They are same category, so I want to put on same visualizations. Can split them in different.
Also the space between the edgecs of the guage and the border of the visualization is large. How to reduce that?
Hi,If I understand your question correct, you need the aggregation details.
I have below aggregation:
max of CpuPercent
and group by Hostname , order by CpuPercent
When I apply filter on UI, then I left with almost 10 hosts, so 10 guages on visualization. So the visualization window cant show them with proper zoom.
Sorry I cant modify the image.
Simple elaboration is.. i want the guages to show in 2 rows instead of one row in same visualization. So that the half circle of the guage will be a bit larger. Because they all appeared in one line, each guage is very small. I want 5th guage to appeared on next line if i extend the height of the visualization.
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