X axis range wrong

What is the right way to set the range of the X axis to the minimum and maximum value of the selected time range.

This is what I have at the moment.
If I select 2 days ago in the timefilter, it should show me the dates of 2 days ago even tho there is no data.

  $schema: https://vega.github.io/schema/vega/v5.json
  autosize: {
    type: fit
    resize: false
  padding: auto
  data: [
      name: elastic_src
      url: {
        index: index-*
        body: {
          query: {
            bool: {
              must: [
                  range: {
                  @timestamp: {
                      %timefilter%: true
              must_not: [
              filter: [
                  term: {
                    ag.auth.action: logout
                  exists: {
                    field: ag.auth.logintime
          fields: [
              field: @timestamp
              format: epoch_millis
              field: ag.auth.logintime
              format: epoch_millis
          _source: "false"
      format: {
        property: hits.hits
  scales: [
      name: xscale
      type: time
      domain: {
        data: elastic_src
      range: width
      padding: 10
      round: true
      name: yscale
      type: band
      domain: {
        data: elastic_src
        field: fields["source.user.name"][0]
      padding: 1
      nice: true
      range: height
  axes: [
      orient: bottom
      scale: xscale
      format: %d/%m/%y %H %M %S
      encode: {
        labels: {
          update: {
            angle: {
              value: -50
            fontSize: {
              value: 10
            align: {
              value: right
      orient: left
      grid: true
      scale: yscale
  marks: [
      type: symbol
      from: {
        data: elastic_src
      encode: {
        enter: {
          x: {
            scale: xscale
            field: fields["ag.auth.logintime"][0]
          y: {
            scale: yscale
            field: fields["source.user.name"][0]
          fill: {
            value: steelblue
      type: symbol
      from: {
        data: elastic_src
      encode: {
        enter: {
          x: {
            scale: xscale
            field: fields["@timestamp"][0]
          y: {
            scale: yscale
            field: fields["source.user.name"][0]
          fill: {
            value: red
      type: rect
      from: {
        data: elastic_src
      encode: {
        enter: {
          x: {
            scale: xscale
            field: fields["ag.auth.logintime"][0]
          x2: {
            scale: xscale
            field: fields["@timestamp"][0]
          yc: {
            scale: yscale
            field: fields["source.user.name"][0]
          height: {
            value: 5
          fill: {
            value: "#557"

Thanks in advance.

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