X-pack installed on Kibana - Reporting: Error 403 Forbidden: Sorry, you don't have access to Reporting

I installed X-pack monitoring and tried to generate the report (.CSV) using reporting feature but getting this error: "Reporting: Error 403 Forbidden: Sorry, you don't have access to Reporting"
As an elastic user, I able to generate the CSV report but not as my own user.
Could anyone share your thoughts? please

Thanks in advance..

What are the roles on your user?

For report generation you need reporting_user in addition to the kibana_user role on your user.

More information: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/kibana/current/secure-reporting.html

Also, in-case we need to continue to debug - can you please provide the version of the stack you are on?

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version is 6.1.2

could i get any updates on this please?

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