Hi team,
While updating xpack license, i can see bewlo warning message as graph and other components will be disabled.
C:\Program Files\cURL\bin>curl.exe -XPUT -u elastic:changeme "http://bngwidap108
.aonnet.aon.net:9200/_xpack/license" -d @license.json
{"acknowledged":false,"license_status":"valid","acknowledge":{"message":"This li
cense update requires acknowledgement. To acknowledge the license, please read t
he following messages and update the license again, this time with the "acknowl
edge=true" parameter:","watcher":["Watcher will be disabled"],"security":["The
following X-Pack security functionality will be disabled: authentication, author
ization, ip filtering, and auditing. Please restart your node after applying the
license.","Field and document level access control will be disabled.","Custom r
ealms will be ignored."],"monitoring":["Multi-cluster support is disabled for cl
usters with [BASIC] license. If you are\nrunning multiple clusters, users won't
be able to access the clusters with\n[BASIC] licenses from within a single X-Pac
k Kibana instance. You will have to deploy a\nseparate and dedicated X-pack Kiba
na instance for each [BASIC] cluster you wish to monitor.","Automatic index clea
nup is locked to 7 days for clusters with [BASIC] license."],"graph":["Graph wil
l be disabled"]}}
C:\Program Files\cURL\bin>
please let us know how do we update license without being disabling the other components.