Upgrading License X-Pack Failed

i got this message :

Your Trial license is active

i try to upgrade it.
i know im not yet a subscription user of xpack.

so i try to upgrade the license using basic license.
i got the license.json

i run this command :
curl -XPUT -u elastic 'http://localhost:9200/_xpack/license' -d @license_xpack.json

but all i got this error msg :

i dont understand, so i guess i need to change the json file that i got.
i add several objects based on that error msg.
i added this lines :

			"acknowledge":"true" ,
			"watcher":["Watcher will be disabled"],

			"security":["The following X-Pack security functionality will be disabled: authentication, authorization, ip filtering, and auditing. Please restart your node after applying the license.",
         "Field and document level access control will be disabled.",
         "Custom realms will be ignored."],

         "Multi-cluster support is disabled for clusters with [BASIC] license. If you are\nrunning multiple clusters, users won't be able to access the clusters with\n[BASIC] licenses from within a single X-Pack Kibana instance. You will have to deploy a\nseparate and dedicated X-pack Kibana instance for each [BASIC] cluster you wish to monitor.",
         "Automatic index cleanup is locked to 7 days for clusters with [BASIC] license."

         "Graph will be disabled"

but i still got the same error msg.
can someone tell me whats going on here?
is this feature only for subscription user or what?

i read the Subscriptions | Elastic Stack Products & Support | Elastic

i should be still can use at least the monitoring feature of xpack.
or at least my xpack license should be updated.

what the heck is going on?

Please don't post pictures of text, they are difficult to read and some people may not be even able to see them :slight_smile:

You need to run curl -XPUT -u elastic 'http://localhost:9200/_xpack/license?acknowledge=true' -d @license_xpack.json. See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/x-pack/current/installing-license.html.

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