Update Basic License


I did the basic license and download the .json file. I am trying to update the license but using the following code

curl -XPUT "http://x.x.x.x:9200/_xpack/license" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @license.json -u elastic

Then elastic asking me for the password and when When I entered the coorect password I got the following response

{"acknowledged":false,"license_status":"valid","acknowledge":{"message":"This license update requires acknowledgement. To acknowledge the license, please read the following messages and update the license again, this time with the "acknowledge=true" parameter:","watcher":["Watcher will be disabled"],"logstash":["Logstash specific APIs will be disabled, but you can continue to manage and poll stored configurations"],"security":["The following X-Pack security functionality will be disabled: authentication, authorization, ip filtering, and auditing. Please restart your node after applying the license.","Field and document level access control will be disabled.","Custom realms will be ignored."],"monitoring":["Multi-cluster support is disabled for clusters with [BASIC] license. If you are\nrunning multiple clusters, users won't be able to access the clusters with\n[BASIC] licenses from within a single X-Pack Kibana instance. You will have to deploy a\nseparate and dedicated X-pack Kibana instance for each [BASIC] cluster you wish to monitor.","Automatic index cleanup is locked to 7 days for clusters with [BASIC] license."],"graph":["Graph will be disabled"],"ml":["Machine learning will be disabled"]}}

What I have to do after this. I checked the license by using -XGET and found its still on "trail" type

Thank you


The message is quite hard to read in that format but hidden in there is the line To acknowledge the license, please read the following messages and update the license again, this time with the "acknowledge=true" parameter:"

Did you try curl -XPUT "http://x.x.x.x:9200/_xpack/license?acknowledge=true" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @license.json -u elastic

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