Xpack.monitoring.history.duration doesn't work

I have following settings in my elasticsearch.yml file. What I need is to keep a 90 days history of monitoring index data so I can look back and compare.

# xpack settings
xpack.monitoring.history.duration: 90d
  type: local
  use_ingest: false
  index.name.time_format: YYYY.MM

However, at the beginning of each month, the previous month monitoring index is still got deleted automatically. The index name is .monitoring-kibana-2-2017.05 and .monitoring-es-2-2017.05 for example. Hence I lost my monitoring data for last month.

Is there any config I did wrong? Thank you.

Hi @suanmeiguo,

What is your licensing type? With the basic license, we will delete any index after 7 days regardless of the setting.

Let us know,

Ah that's it. Thank you that's good to know!

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