My application is reading data from a Sqs and pushing it to elasticseach.
This is done from 2 consumers each with a thread pool of 5 threads. That
means 10 threads who are inserting/deleting documents in elasticsearch.
From other web application the inserted data is read.
I want to create a cluster with 3 nodes(4g of ram each) for doing that. I
was thinking for the next arhitecture :
For that size just make them all data+master nodes. You really want n/2+1
masters, where n = number of nodes, so that you prevent split-brain from
occurring, and having all 3 as master will provide that.
Just set ES_HEAP_SIZE in the defaults, you don't need to worry about
anything else.
My application is reading data from a Sqs and pushing it to
elasticseach. This is done from 2 consumers each with a thread pool of 5
threads. That means 10 threads who are inserting/deleting documents in
elasticsearch. From other web application the inserted data is read.
I want to create a cluster with 3 nodes(4g of ram each) for doing that.
I was thinking for the next arhitecture :
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