500 Internal server error on query_suggestion

Hi, some of my requests to /query_suggestion are returning a 500 error with the following message.

{"errors":["Internal server error. Please check your application server logs for more details and contact Elastic support if the problem persists"]}

Where do I find the application server logs and find out what the issue is? Most of the suggestions requests are successful and the errors seem to be happening whenever I query suggestions for a curated search. Any ideas?

Hey Bott Radio Network,

Are you running self-managed or on Cloud?

For self-managed, you should find logs in the log directory of your Enterprise Search deploy.

If you're on Cloud, you can ship logs to a cluster through the Logs and metrics view in Cloud under a deployment. Alternatively, it might be easier to simply reach out to support at: https://cloud.elastic.co/help.

Finally, if you suspect the problem is specific to query suggestion requests on curations, we'd be happy to take a peek at your request details if you're willing to post more details about it here.

I hope that helps!


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Hi Ross, thanks for the quick reply. It's a cloud deployment and I've reached out to support.

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