About your video "How to Use Dashboard-Only Mode in Kibana"

I saw your video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZoSL1usU_Y
But I can't understand what sort of permissions should have 'analysts' role? When I log in with Dashboard-Only Mode I see nothing in my Dashboards! What is wrong with permissions here?

When you're logged in as the Dashboard Only Mode user, do you see the charts but with no data? You'll also need to grant the user access to the underlying Elasticseach indices that contain the data that's used by the Visualizations.

The following blog post is a good supplemental resource to the youtube video: https://www.elastic.co/blog/kibana-dashboard-only-mode

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Yes, I see charts without any data.

You'll want to grant the user read access to the Elasticsearch indices that contain the data.

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Thank you! It works.

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