Adding a node with data to cluster

I am using elasticsearch 2.4.1

I have a cluster of ES nodes, and another standalone node with data stored.

I want to add the standalone node to the ES cluster. when I do it, I loose all the data stored in the standalone node.

How do I add the data of the standalone node to the cluster? (How do I add the node with the data in it to the cluster)


The only way guaranteed would be to snapshot the data on that node, add it to the cluster, then restore it.

Thanks for your response.

How do I do that?
Is there any built-in way in ES to do that?

Trying to do as you said.
Did a snapshot and restored it on the single node. worked perfectly.

Now, trying to restore the snapshot on the cluster. getting the error:

{"error":{"root_cause":[{"type":"repository_verification_exception","reason":"[backup1] [M7MPBVv6RM2vngZdhcSO1g, 'RemoteTransportException[[nOdE2][][internal:admin/repository/verify]]; nested: RepositoryMissingException[[backup1] missing];'], [ibrUF4NhT7G8-SHxh9Rn8w, 'RemoteTransportException[[nOdE1][][internal:admin/repository/verify]]; nested: RepositoryMissingException[[backup1] missing];']]"}],"type":"repository_verification_exception","reason":"[backup1] [M7MPBVv6RM2vngZdhcSO1g, 'RemoteTransportException[[nOdE2][][internal:admin/repository/verify]]; nested: RepositoryMissingException[[backup1] missing];'], [ibrUF4NhT7G8-SHxh9Rn8w, 'RemoteTransportException[[nOdE1][][internal:admin/repository/verify]]; nested: RepositoryMissingException[[backup1] missing];']]"},"status":500}

Any ideas?

Did you add the repo to the new cluster?

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