App search: support for Semantic search

Hi there :wave:

I wanted to know if Semantic search was something that was on the roadmap of Enterprise App search ?

Any information regarding semantic search and Enterprise Eearch would be useful

Thanks in advance


Hi Gerardo -

This is in the works (amongst other things) and over the next couple of releases you will start seeing a lot of the features traditionally reserved for Elasticsearch be available for Enterprise Search. Hope this helps!

Thanks for the answer @Mark_Hoy !

Would you be able to share any more details about this integration of semantic search into App Search or a rough timeline ?

What is the release cadence for Enterprise Search ?

Thanks again!

Would you be able to share any more details about this integration of semantic search into App Search or a rough timeline ?

Not at the moment unfortunately.

What is the release cadence for Enterprise Search ?

New versions of Enterprise Search release along the same cadence as Elasticsearch and the rest of the Elastic stack and products. This typically has been along the lines of every couple of months or sooner.

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