Are you getting 403's when downloading? Please read here first

Can you please unblock the following IPs:


All Ip's are from Canada.


can you please unblock:


Thanks! :slight_smile:

Please whitelist:


I am getting 403 forbidden when downloading. Please unblock ip My info:

  "ip": "",
  "hostname": "",
  "city": "Amsterdam",
  "region": "North Holland",
  "country": "NL",
  "loc": "52.3740,4.8897",
  "postal": "1012",
  "timezone": "Europe/Amsterdam",
  "readme": ""

Hi @Pozitiff4ik , @75cpa, @Philipp_dev, @jkk, @Tak_Chunetak,

I've flagged your IPs for unblocking. Hope that helps!

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Hello @carly.richmond

Is it possible to also unblock "" ?


1 Like

Hello @carly.richmond,
help please unblock

  "ip": "",
  "hostname": "",
  "city": "Coventry",
  "region": "England",
  "country": "GB",
  "loc": "52.4066,-1.5122",
  "postal": "CV1",
  "timezone": "Europe/London",
  "readme": ""
1 Like

We understand your frustration and are actively working with Google to address this issue. If your IP has been allowed, please allow a few days for the changes to take effect before posting in the topic again. Thank you for your patience. AC football Cases.

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Hello, could you please add the following ip

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Hello! Unban our IP please:

  • ip:"",
  • city:"Frankfurt am Main",
  • region:"Hesse",
  • country:"DE",
  • loc:"50.1155,8.6842",
  • org:"AS12586 GHOSTnet GmbH",
  • postal:"60306",
  • timezone:"Europe/Berlin"
1 Like

Hello, please unblock my IP
"Minsk City",
"AS6697 Republican Unitary Telecommunication Enterprise Beltelecom",

Hi @carly.richmond,

It's been 8 days since you've confirmed whitelisting of some of our IPs up above and we are still getting 403 from these IPs.
Furthermore, additional whitelisting requests are pending since then and we've had no confirmation for the last 8 days.

This situation is unbearable, Elastic cannot continue down this road. We have nothing to do with Russia and all of our IPs are located elsewhere, but still, due to your political move we are unable to configure our production servers properly.

If you want to go into politics, invest money in it and dedicate technical and human resources so that your users are not getting blocked for no reason and can have support and fast answers. If you don't want to invest, then don't do politics.

Please provide feedback on the last whitelisting batches, it still doesn't work.

Hi @Adam_Attar, @soBDD97dh_nNV6t, @75cpa, @Philipp_dev, @Tak_Chunetak, @Pozitiff4ik and @jkk,

Thank you for your patience. I've received confirmation of the changes applied to unblock your IPs. It looks to have been actioned in the last 12 hours. As per @Andrew_Mora's feedback, can you let us know if you're still having issues after a couple of days following propogation?

@Timur_Klimenko, @prokocool87 and @Andrew_Levshin I've upped the priority on your requests to try and speed things up.

Hope that helps!

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Hi @tzoratto_pra,

Welcome to the community! I don't see a prior post from you, however we have provided an update on which requests have been granted within the last 24 hours. If your colleague has raised the request do let us know if it still has not been actioned.

I do understand your frustration on the time it has taken. This forum is contributed to by members of the community as well as engineers and advocates at Elastic on a best effort basis, so sadly aside from raising the ticket for unblocking there's not much else we can do.

I'll feedback your frustrations to see if we can expedite future requests or improve the process. But for next time do make sure any posts adhere to our community guidelines.

Hope that helps!

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It is indeed one of my colleagues that did raise previous requests.

The first request has been raised 11 days ago, and as of now, none of the IPs have been unblocked. For the record, here they are:

We are now forced to prioritize and implement workarounds as we cannot decently go on telling our teams "we are waiting for Elastic to whitelist our IPs" for weeks, especially when it can happen every time we provision new servers with new IP addresses.

While I do understand most of the users of this forum cannot do anything about it, the fact that it is a community forum is irrelevant to the issue at hand as Elastic did not provide any other way to raise requests or feedback about this issue.
Elastic has pushed changes that literally block their legitimate users. They have to do something about it.

Yes, please make sure to send this feedback to any relevant people. The current situation doesn't work at all from a technical point of view, and the manual process through this community forum that goes with it seems unreal to say the least. I'd have never expected that from a company such as Elastic which I've used flawlessly for almost a decade in various contexts up until now.

Hi @tzoratto_pra,

Thank you for providing precise details of the original request you were referred to. For context I received confirmation of the unblocking of these IPs today and updated the thread above. If you are still having issues let me know and I'll request the IPs be checked again and flag the urgency.

Sadly the unblocking procedure is manual and requires an internal team liasing with the CDN. I'm just the middle women passing on the issues reported on this forum. I'll pass on your comments to the team to try and make this better. Happy to provide an update of any ideas to make this quicker and easier.

Hope that helps!


To be clear, when I posted yesterday the IPs I've mentioned were still blocked, and it is still the case today.

There are countless ways to improve the situation, but they all come with a price. Here are some of them:

  • having a real support channel for this issue, not a community forum
  • having any industrialized way to send whitelisting requests (an API or even a form would be an improvement over posting messages on a forum)
  • having immediate feedback over the current state of the requests (auto acknowledge + confirmation when the whitelisting is done, instead of relying on a human to do that)
  • proactivity with regards to what IPs are being blocked. There should be automated analysis that check whether or not IPs that are blocked are indeed located in Russia or not. As you can see from any GeoIp database, the IPs from my list have nothing to do with Russia and could be automatically whitelisted without the need for human justification or request
  • filtering IPs less aggressively. Some Russian IPs might get through, but at least you won't block half the planet with false positives
  • providing visibility and transparency over this matter, and how the discussions with Google are progressing. Because it's been more than a year now that the only feedback we have is "We're discussing with Google to see what can be done". We are not talking about a minor issue here: some of your users (and many of them from what I see) cannot use Elastic products at all, if that doesn't deserve communication, visibility and transparency, what does ?

There is one solution that is free though: stop blocking IPs. Elastic is the only company (even US based) with which we have this issue, so it must be doing something wrong in their understanding of what the US government expects from them or in their implementation of the solution.



please unblock networks:

  • city:"Ashburn",

  • region:"Virginia",

  • city:"Amsterdam",

  • region:"North Holland",

Thank you for support Ukraine.

Welcome to the community! Appreciate you flagging the IPs @dimetrius! I've raised a ticket.

Just a warning, as you may have guessed by the thread, that these are taking some time to be actioned. I'll reply back on this thread when I receive an update.

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Hi @tzoratto_pra,

Thanks for the update. I've followed up again with your feedback and the IPs and the team have confirmed to me that all the IPs have been unblocked on their side.

The only other advice they could give me is that it's blocked by the CDN, and they recommend communicating with Google, which is our CDN provider, to find out why the communication is not allowed by Google.