Auto complete Fields not working in Kibana 7.0.1

I am using Elastic search 7.0.1

If you are talking about auto complete in Dev Tools, try this: Dev Tools -> Settings -> Autocomplete -> Fields ....

I already done that still not working

Are you talking about Auto complete fields in Dev Tools?


I have index called properties and field id. but the field is not autocompleting

You have to know your index Mapping fields. You have auto completion for high level requests not for low level ones as your index fields in search request

I am confused.Can you share some examples ?

As you see, when you began typing your request, GET properties.... you had auto completion. Even when you started typing query, you certainly had auto completion that put "FIELD": "TEXT" after typing match in your query.
All fields in Capital letter have to be known by the user himself as they have to be completed by user data fields that can't be known by Kibana UI tools.
For example: in FIELD you could have a field updatedDate that hase value TEXT: 1504013335...
Those fields can't be auto completed as they're not fields from the query API but from your data

Please consider the following scenario,
I have 2 separate Elastic search Nodes

  1. Node 1 (Elastic search 6.5.1 and Kibana 6.5.1)
  2. Node 2 (Elastic search 7.0.1 and Kibana 7.0.1)
    Node 1***
    Step 1 :Creating sample index named "test" with one field "filed1"
    PUT test
    "settings": {
    "number_of_shards": 1
    "mappings": {
    "_doc": {
    "properties": {
    "field1": {
    "type": "text"
    **Step 2 :Typing Search Query and the field "field1" in "test" index is autocompleting **

Node 2***
Step 1 :Creating sample index named "test" with one field "filed1"
PUT test
"settings": {
"number_of_shards": 1
"mappings": {
"_doc": {
"properties": {
"field1": {
"type": "text"
**Step 2 :Typing Search Query and the field "field1" in "test" index is autocompleting **

Kindly share your thoughts

Yes I understand what you mean now. I suggest you to create a bug issue, maybe this is something they forgot in the last release.

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