I am currently using kibana 4.In bar graph i have used split chart and then gave x axis with filters.The graph seems to be correct but there are some intermediate space for grouping along x axis.
Ex:A and B's data are filtered ,but the space between A and B is very large.
Is there a way the intermediate space could be reduced.
Are you using a date range or terms aggregation?
How are you supplying filters on the x-axis?
Do you see an option to Show empty buckets
Perhaps you are running into this issue: https://github.com/elastic/kibana/issues/5665 If so, I believe this is fixed in 5.0.
Hi Stacey.I am using terms aggregation and i am supplying filters with multiple fields using and operator.
Show empty buckets option is visible only in histogram and not in date histogram.I checked with kibana 5 still facing the same issue
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