Best ELK Stack option for AWS centric Team

Hello Everyone,

I'm a part of team that focuses on creating AI products on AWS Cloud. We are currently looking into what would be the option for setting up Elastic as a part of our stack. Its main job would be to visualize log data (logs would come from CloudWatch) and perhaps to use ML features at some point. We would like to stick and keep everything on our AWS account (mainly due to compliance reasons), no external clouds, no onprem setups etc. From what i recall has an option to be set up on AWS Cloud. Does it mean that we can have it available from within our currently existing account? Could you recommend a blog or a document that might cover all options related to cloud based setup?

Have a look at Cloud by Elastic from AWS Marketplace.

Thanks David. I have a few questions about this option:

  • Is the deployment somehow tied to our existing AWS Account (except for billing)? Can we access it using AWS authentication, or only separaterly via
  • How about pricing model? With regular Elastic license, you pay for production nodes and you can have multiple test nodes without additional charge, how is it handled with this model?
  • Can we access Kibana via AWS account or do we need to sign in separately via
  • How is data moved from AWS's S3 to elastic instance? How secure is it?
  • Could it use same VPC setup as we do in AWS Services? We'd like to make sure that no outside users will access it and we do not want to duplicate VPC setup we already have in place
  • Can I directly connect to instances on which elastic is running via cli like i do with regular ec2 instances?
  • Can we use AD/LDAP for user authentication just as we can with regular elastic deployment?

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