Both Visualization tools and discover tab are showing nothing


I have encountered a issue that I dont know why there is no result inside the discover tab. I have also tried to do some visualization based on the dataset. But the results shows there is no results found. I have set up the index pattern.

Hi @Hipper_Ride

Welcome to the community. Pretty common first time issue.

I'm assuming this comes from some tutorial or something.

That data set is many years old and if you look at the top right your time picker says last 15 minutes... That data set will show up from the years of the data set. I don't remember quite offhand but try last 10 years and you'll probably see the data unless you're telling me this is data from the last 15 minutes.

Also, what version of elastic and Kibana are you running? That looks quite old by first glance.


Yes. This is like an academic project that I got from my professor. And the professor encourage us to use the elasticsearch and kibana 7.5.1 for this project purpose.

I can see the dataset through discover tab right now through changing the time picker. Thank you.

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Someone should nudge the professor that 7.5.1 is nearly 5 years old... a Lifetime in Technology. Cool Glad you got it working... it should work fine.

If you play with Elastic more... use an updated version... so much more there.