By default Elasticsearch or Kibana does not support multiusers?

Without commercial x-pack I can have only one Kibana account and one Elasticserach account?

There is no such thing as an account in Elasticsearch or Kibana, they are inherently multitenanted so many people can use the same service.

If you want access control then you do need Security.

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Elastic Stack security features requires X-Pack. To my knowledge this is NOT free.

Yes. That's true. Security requires a commercial license as you can see in

Having different users need to have an authentication mechanism which means security.

Anyway, in the future, Kibana will provide "spaces" where you will be able to choose on which space you would like to work. This will most likely be available with the basic (free license), but as you won't have security, everyone will be able to connect to any space.

Thanks. I try to get pricing but this info is perfectly hidden. What is the price for x-pack or cloud version?

If you want to have a pricing for x-pack, you need to use the contact form so we can evaluate your project in details.

The cloud pricing is public:

Thank you

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