kibana v4.5.4
ES v2.4.1
I have Kibana hooked up to one of my ES servers on my ES cluster, and I see these logs when I start the service
{"type":"log","@timestamp":"2016-10-27T20:19:12+00:00","tags":["listening","info"],"pid":6584,"message":"Server running at"}
{"type":"log","@timestamp":"2016-10-27T20:19:12+00:00","tags":["status","plugin:elasticsearch","info"],"pid":6584,"name":"plugin:elasticsearch","state":"green","message":"Status changed from yellow to green - Kibana index ready","prevState":"yellow","prevMsg":"Waiting for Elasticsearch"}
I can even do this.
curl https://es_ip_address:9200/_cat/indices?v --cacert /etc/pki/logstash/root-ca.pem -u user:pw
health status index pri rep docs.count docs.deleted store.size
green open .kibana 1 2 1 0 9.5kb 3.1kb
green open searchguard 1 2 0 0 207.7kb 69.2kb
But i can't access the kibana page? Anything else I can look at?