Can not access kibana_ip:5601, but kibana service seems to be running?

kibana v4.5.4
ES v2.4.1

I have Kibana hooked up to one of my ES servers on my ES cluster, and I see these logs when I start the service

{"type":"log","@timestamp":"2016-10-27T20:19:12+00:00","tags":["listening","info"],"pid":6584,"message":"Server running at"}
{"type":"log","@timestamp":"2016-10-27T20:19:12+00:00","tags":["status","plugin:elasticsearch","info"],"pid":6584,"name":"plugin:elasticsearch","state":"green","message":"Status changed from yellow to green - Kibana index ready","prevState":"yellow","prevMsg":"Waiting for Elasticsearch"}

I can even do this.

curl https://es_ip_address:9200/_cat/indices?v --cacert /etc/pki/logstash/root-ca.pem -u user:pw
health status index       pri rep docs.count docs.deleted store.size 
green  open   .kibana       1   2          1            0      9.5kb          3.1kb 
green  open   searchguard   1   2          0            0    207.7kb         69.2kb 

But i can't access the kibana page? Anything else I can look at?

BTW, in this case, Kibana is on a DIFFERENT server from my ES cluster. IOW, I have the following server configuration:

  • 3 servers for ES cluster, all master & data
  • 1 server, separate from above 3 ES servers, that run Kibana and Logstash. nginx is also running on this server

Firewall? Can you telnet to the port from another machine?

In my case, I'm setting this up in AWS, and my instance belonged to a private subnet. I set up an internet-facing elastic load balancer (ELB) which forwarded http:80 traffic to http:5601, and it worked.

Just to answer your question, firewall service was not installed on the server, and SELinux was disabled.