Can not open Stack monitoring

What is the result of:
curl -XPOST -u elastic:password 'https://myhost:9200/_remote/info

POST unavailable. Only GET possible to use

curl -XGET -u elastic:password 'https://myhost:9200/_remote/info?pretty'
{ }

response clear

Can you try setting monitoring.ui.ccs.enabled: false in your kibana.yml file and trying to load the UI?

Do you mean xpack settings?
xpack. monitoring.ui.ccs.enabled: false

The setting is monitoring.ui.ccs.enabled in 7.7.0 and above, but it did used to be xpack.monitoring.ui.ccs.enabled.

Wow, it works!
I can see our stack monitoring again.
I enabled this setting and restarted kibana.

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