Can't connect to kibana on google cloud ubuntu vm

tl;dr I can start the kibana service but port 5601 doesn't open.

I'm having trouble setting up kibana on a brand new ubuntu instance on google cloud platform. I have elasticsearch up and running on localhost:9200, but when I installed kibana using the instructions [here](, it doesn't work.

My elasticsearch.yml config:
http.port: 9200-9300

curl localhost:9200 works fine.

My kibana config:

server.port: 5601 ""
elasticsearch.url: "http://localhost:9200"
elasticsearch.preserveHost: true
logging.dest: /var/log/kibana/kibana.log

Note that I had to add the logging dest because otherwise i wasn't able to start the service using /bin/systemctl.

Now, sudo /bin/systemctl status kibana.service reveals that my kibana service is running, but kibana is absent from sudo netstat -ntpl, and curl localhost:5601 yields Failed to connect to localhost port 5601: Connection refused

I've tried different configurations of kibana.yml. I've tried setting to localhost, or my google cloud node's internal IP, and it doesn't work.

Since you turned on logging, could not you put log here from /var/log/kibana/kibana.log file?

I also checked my kibana installation and all fields except logging.dest are commented out. Nevertheless, I quietly see kibana on

Hi Pavel, I should have followed up.

I turned on logging but nothing was being written to /var/log/kibana/kibana.log. I checked it several times.

I ended up installing a new kibana instance using curl straight into my user folder instead of using apt-get as I did initially. It worked. I'm not sure if the original problem was a permissions thing or my own incompetence. Thanks for the reply regardless, can you close this now?

Thanks for circling back with the solution which worked for you. Closing.


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