tl;dr I can start the kibana service but port 5601 doesn't open.
I'm having trouble setting up kibana on a brand new ubuntu instance on google cloud platform. I have elasticsearch up and running on localhost:9200, but when I installed kibana using the instructions [here](
, it doesn't work.
My elasticsearch.yml config:
http.port: 9200-9300
curl localhost:9200
works fine.
My kibana config:
server.port: 5601 ""
elasticsearch.url: "http://localhost:9200"
elasticsearch.preserveHost: true
logging.dest: /var/log/kibana/kibana.log
Note that I had to add the logging dest because otherwise i wasn't able to start the service using /bin/systemctl.
Now, sudo /bin/systemctl status kibana.service
reveals that my kibana service is running, but kibana is absent from sudo netstat -ntpl
, and curl localhost:5601
yields Failed to connect to localhost port 5601: Connection refused
I've tried different configurations of kibana.yml. I've tried setting to localhost, or my google cloud node's internal IP, and it doesn't work.