Can't find my index

I have a problem finding my created intex in Kibana/Search App engine.

I have an API with a bunch of articles and already created an index with a python script. When I browse I do get a response ("articles" is the name of the index). But when I go to Kibana or Elastic Search and try to create an index I can't find my articles index. Can someone help? My email is

Im open to schedule a call.



Welcome to our community! :smiley: Please note that we don't do calls here, but we are happy to help in your topic.

What is the output from the GET _cat/indices?v endpoint?
What about from GET /articles/_search?

Can you please format your code/logs/config using the </> button, or markdown style back ticks. It helps to make things easy to read which helps us help you :slight_smile:

1 Like

So when I do: curl http://localhost:9200/_cat/indices\?v

This is what I get:

health status index uuid : rep docs.count docs.deleted store.size
green open helpcenter 9qi6Vw6nTWqaQzpYDQ6uHg 1 0 0 0 225b 225b
yellow open articles Irn_w7MjT5WpyN61hACWCw 1 1 30 0 231.5kb 231.5kb

When running: curl http://localhost:9200/articles/_search

{"took":32,"timed_out":false,"_shards":{"total":1,"successful":1,"skipped":0,"failed":0},"hits":{"total":{"value":30,"relation":"eq"},"max_score":1.0,"hits":[{"_index":"articles","_id":"8365716738327","_score":1.0,"_ignored":["body.keyword"],"_source":{"title":"New Table View In Wrike","body":"<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="section zd-article" xml:lang="en">\n<div xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="ltr" class="important" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;">\n<h3 class="title">\n<a id="UUID-c7c54786-b774-741c-272e-562e79841efb_UUID-7b28d115-4f6a-5930-65d7-f95d4944630d">Important\n

This is a new feature being piloted, and as a result, it is subject to changes and improvements. Please feel free to use the feedback links in <a class="link" href="[\](" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Wrike Labs to share your thoughts on this beta feature.

\n\n<div xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="ltr" class="section sub-topic">\n<div class="titlepage">\n<div class="table availability-table-block table-responsive">\n<a id="idm45977026405824">\n<p class="title">**<span class="formal-label"><span class="formal-label-text">Table <span class="formal-number">189<span class="formal-label-delimiter">. <span class="formal-title">Availability - Legacy plans** \n<div class="table availability-table-block table-responsive-contents">\n<table class="availability-table availability-table--plans">\n\n\n<td class="availability-table__col" style=";">\n

<a class="link" href="[\](" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Free

\n\n<td class="availability-table__col" style=";">\n

<a class="link" href="[\](" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Professional

\n\n<td class="availability-table__col" style=";">\n

<a class="link" href="[\](" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Business

\n\n<td class="availability-table__col" style=";">\n

<a class="link" href="[\](" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Enterprise

\n\n\n\n\n\n\n<br class="table availability-table-block table-responsive-break">\n<div class="glossary-definitions" style="display:none!important;">\n\n<div xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="ltr" class="section sub-topic">\n<div class="titlepage">\n<div class="table availability-table-block table-responsive">\n<a id="idm45977026391424">\n<p class="title">**<span class="formal-label"><span class="formal-label-text">Table <span class="formal-number">190<span class="formal-label-delimiter">. <span class="formal-title">Availability** \n<div class="table availability-table-block table-responsive-contents">\n<table class="availability-table availability-table--plans">\n\n\n<td class="availability-table__col" style=";">\n

<a class="link" href="[\](" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Free

\n\n<td class="availability-table__col" style=";">\n

<a class="link" href="[\](" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Professional

\n\n<td class="availability-table__col" style=";">\n

<a class="link" href="[\](" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Team

\n\n<td class="availability-table__col" style=";">\n

<a class="link" href="[\](" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Business Plus

\n\n<td class="availability-table__col" style=";">\n

<a class="link" href="[\](" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Enterprise Standard

\n\n<td class="availability-table__col" style=";">\n

<a class="link" href="[\](" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Enterprise Pinnacle

\n\n\n\n\n\n\n<br class="table availability-table-block table-responsive-break">\n<div class="glossary-definitions" style="display:none!important;">\n\n<div class="itemizedlist">\n<ul class="itemizedlist" style="list-style-type: disc;">\n<li class="listitem">\n

<a class="link" href="#UUID-c7c54786-b774-741c-272e-562e79841efb_overview" title="Overview">Overview

\n\n<li class="listitem">\n

<a class="link" href="#UUID-c7c54786-b774-741c-272e-562e79841efb_section-idm33184653409206" title="Navigating the New Table view">Navigating the New Table view

\n\n<li class="listitem">\n

<a class="link" href="#UUID-c7c54786-b774-741c-272e-562e79841efb_section-idm4612293582075233240703816999" title="Items on the New Table view">Items on the New Table view

\n\n<li class="listitem">\n

<a class="link" href="#UUID-c7c54786-b774-741c-272e-562e79841efb_next" title="What's next?">What's next?

\n\n\n\n<div dir="ltr" class="section sub-topic">\n<div class="titlepage">\n<h2 class="title">\n<a data-zd-article="UUID-c7c54786-b774-741c-272e-562e79841efb" id="UUID-c7c54786-b774-741c-272e-562e79841efb_overview">Overview\n\n

The New Table view is available by default to all users on a <a class="link linktype-component linktextconsumer" href="[\](">Team plan. Users on other account types can enable it for their personal accounts from Wrike Labs <a class="link" href="[\](" target="_blank" rel="noopener">here.


The New Table view allows you to view your work in a spreadsheet-like format. With the New Table view, you get:

\n<div class="itemizedlist">\n<ul class="itemizedlist" style="list-style-type: disc;">\n<li class="listitem">\n

Improved UI

\n\n<li class="listitem">\n

Faster loading compared to the <a class="link linktype-component" href="[\](" title="Table View in Wrike">classic Table view

\n\n<li class="listitem">\n

New and improved custom field management

\n\n<li class="listitem">\n

One-click edit option for items


Before you get started, you will have to enable the view from Wrike Labs:

\n<div class="procedure">\n<ol class="procedure" type="1">\n<li class="step">\n

Go to <a class="link" href="[\](" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Wrike Labs.

\n\n<li class="step">\n

Find the <span class="bold">**New and improved views** card.

\n\n<li class="step">\n

Click <span class="bold">**Enable**.

\n\n\n\n<div dir="ltr" class="note" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;">\n<h3 class="title">Note\n

When you enable the set of new views from Wrike Labs, you are not losing all the current views (<a class="link linktype-component" href="[\](" title="Board View in Wrike">Board view, <a class="link linktype-component" href="[\](" title="Table View in Wrike">Table view). You will get an additional set of views instead (the <a class="link linktype-component" href="[\](" title="New Board View in Wrike">New Board view, <a class="link linktype-component" href="#UUID-c7c54786-b774-741c-272e-562e79841efb" title="New Table View In Wrike">New Table view, <a class="link linktype-component" href="[\](" title="Calendar View in Wrike">Calendars view).

\n\n<div class="glossary-definitions" style="display:none!important;">\n\n<div dir="ltr" class="section sub-topic">\n<div class="titlepage">\n<h2 class="title">\n<a data-zd-article="UUID-c7c54786-b774-741c-272e-562e79841efb" id="UUID-c7c54786-b774-741c-272e-562e79841efb_section-idm33184653409206">Navigating the New Table view\n\n

All users can enable and use the New Table view. To access the New Table view:

\n<div class="procedure">\n<ol class="procedure" type="1">\n<li class="step">\n

Navigate to the space, folder, or project you would like to view.

\n\n<li class="step">\n

Once opened, you can select the view in which you want to see the items.

\n\n<li class="step">\n

Select the <span class="bold">**Table view (new)** from the list of options or click the <span class="bold">**+** button and select <span class="bold">**Table (new)** from the list of views.

\n\n\n\n<div class="mediaobject"><img src="[\](" style="" alt="add_new_table.gif">\n

In the New Table view, items are grouped according to the projects and folders they are in. The number next to the item’s name to the left indicates its row number.


There are several adjustments you can make to control what you see on the New Table view:

\n<div class="itemizedlist">\n<ul class="itemizedlist" style="list-style-type: disc;">\n<li class="listitem">\n

<span class="bold">**Add/delete columns**: You can select to add as many columns as possible to your view. To add new columns, click on <span class="bold">**Fields** above the view and switch the toggle button next to the names of the columns you want to add. You can remove them later in the same way. All users who have access to this location and the New Table view will be able to see these columns.

\n<div class="mediaobject"><img src="[\](" style="" alt="add_column_table.gif">\n\n<li class="listitem">\n

<span class="bold">**Change the sorting**: <span class="rounded-green">1 You can select to sort your items in this view by any field (column) you add to the view or by priority. To change the sorting click on the caret icon next to <span class="bold">**Sort** above the view or click on the name of the column.

\n\n<li class="listitem">\n

<span class="bold">**Apply filters**: <span class="rounded-green">2 You can filter out items according to the default set of Wrike filters or to the custom field values.

\n\n<li class="listitem">\n

<span class="bold">**Expand/collapse items**: It is possible to expand or collapse all items at once. Click the <span class="bold">**Expand/Collapse** button <span class="rounded-green">3 and select the needed option. Also, you can select to expand only to the next level of subitems by clicking on <span class="bold">**Expand next level**.

\n\n<li class="listitem">\n

<span class="bold">**Show/hide parent row**: It is possible to add a parent row with the name of the location you’re in with all the attributes to your table. To do so, click the three-dot menu button <span class="rounded-green">4 and select <span class="bold">**Show/Hide parent row**. <span class="rounded-green">5

\n\n<li class="listitem">\n

<span class="bold">**Show/hide empty folders**: You can select to hide all the empty folders to declutter your view. To do that, click the three-dot menu button <span class="rounded-green">4 and select <span class="bold">**Hide empty folders**. <span class="rounded-green">6 When you select to hide folders, projects stay in place. To hide projects, you can use <a class="link linktype-component linktextconsumer" href="[\](">project filters.

\n\n\n\n<div class="mediaobject"><img src="[\](" style="" alt="Table_numbers.png">\n<div dir="ltr" class="note" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;">\n<h3 class="title">Note\n

Some columns are not yet available on the New Table view (Project Risk, Effort, Billing type, etc.). In order to view them, switch to the <a class="link linktype-component" href="[\](" title="Table View in Wrike">classic Table view or to the <a class="link linktype-component linktextconsumer" href="[\](">Task view.

\n\n<div class="glossary-definitions" style="display:none!important;">\n\n<div dir="ltr" class="section sub-topic">\n<div class="titlepage">\n<h2 class="title">\n<a data-zd-article="UUID-c7c54786-b774-741c-272e-562e79841efb" id="UUID-c7c54786-b774-741c-272e-562e79841efb_section-idm4612293582075233240703816999">Items on the New Table view\n\n

The New Table view allows you to manage your work items as well as create new ones.


To create a new work item from the New Table view:

\n<div class="procedure">\n<ol class="procedure" type="1">\n<li class="step">\n

Open a space, folder, or project in the New Table view.

\n\n<li class="step">\n

Scroll down to the <span class="bold">**+Item** button.

\n\n<li class="step">\n

Once you click it, you will see a drop-down where you can select the type of the item you are creating and a field where you need to enter the name for the new item.

\n\n<li class="step">\n

Press <span class="bold">**Enter** or click anywhere outside the cell to create an item.

\n\n\n\n<div class="mediaobject"><img src="[\](" style="" alt="create_item_table.gif">\n<div dir="ltr" class="note" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;">\n<h3 class="title">Note\n

Only users with the right to create tasks, folders, projects, and custom items can do this. Users with limited permissions (collaborators) can only view existing items and change some of their attributes.


After the item is created, it is possible to:

\n<div class="itemizedlist">\n<ul class="itemizedlist" style="list-style-type: disc;">\n<li class="listitem">\n

Assign it to your colleagues

\n\n<li class="listitem">\n

Set up start and due dates

\n\n<li class="listitem">\n

Change its status

\n\n<li class="listitem">\n

Fill out any selected custom fields

\n\n<li class="listitem">\n

Add subitems

\n\n<li class="listitem">\n

Delete the item


When you click on the item’s name, it opens in the Work Item view which allows you to adjust all the item details, but also add descriptions, and comments, share items with teammates, add approvals and files.

\n<div dir="ltr" class="tip" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;">\n<h3 class="title">Tip\n

If you click anywhere inside the cell, you can edit the cell content.

\n\n<div class="mediaobject"><img src="[\](" style="" alt="open_item_view_table.gif">\n

You can move items to other folders or projects within the view or you can move them to turn them into subitems by using drag-and-drop. Click and hold the icon next to the row number and drag the item to the new location. Once you’re done, release the mouse to drop the item.

\n<div class="glossary-definitions" style="display:none!important;">\n\n<div dir="ltr" class="section sub-topic">\n<div class="titlepage">\n<h2 class="title">\n<a data-zd-article="UUID-c7c54786-b774-741c-272e-562e79841efb" id="UUID-c7c54786-b774-741c-272e-562e79841efb_next">What's next?\n\n<div class="itemizedlist">\n<ul class="itemizedlist" style="list-style-type: disc;">\n<li class="listitem">\n

<a class="xref linktype-component" href="[\](" title="New Board View in Wrike">New Board View in Wrike

\n\n\n\n<div class="glossary-definitions" style="display:none!important;">\n\n<div class="glossary-definitions" style="display:none!important;">\n\n","author":372888417094,"created_at":"2022-08-23T13:31:55Z","updated_at":"2023-01-17T11:49:19Z"}},{"_index":"articles","_id":"8365634599575","_score":1.0,"_ignored":["body.keyword"],"_source":{"title":"Calendar View in Wrike","body":"<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="section zd-article" xml:lang="en">\n<div xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="ltr" class="section sub-topic">\n<div class="titlepage">\n<div class="table availability-table-block table-responsive">\n<a id="idm45411482838800">\n<p class="title">**<span class="formal-label"><span class="formal-label-text">Table <span class="formal-number">187<span class="formal-label-delimiter">. <span class="formal-title">Availability - Legacy plans** \n<div class="table availability-table-block table-responsive-contents">\n<table class="availability-table availability-table--plans">\n\n\n<td class="availability-table__col availability-table__col--disable" style="">\n

<a class="link" href="[\](" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Free

\n\n<td class="availability-table__col availability-table__col--disable" style="">\n

<a class="link" href="[\](" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Professional

\n\n<td class="availability-table__col" style="">\n

<a class="link" href="[\](" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Business

\n\n<td class="availability-table__col" style="">\n

<a class="link" href="[\](" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Enterprise

\n\n\n\n\n\n\n<br class="table availability-table-block table-responsive-break">\n<div class="glossary-definitions" style="display:none!important;">\n\n<div xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="ltr" class="section sub-topic">\n<div class="titlepage">\n<div class="table availability-table-block table-responsive">\n<a id="idm45411482824384">\n<p class="title">**<span class="formal-label"><span class="formal-label-text">Table <span class="formal-number">188<span class="formal-label-delimiter">. <span class="formal-title">Availability** \n<div class="table availability-table-block table-responsive-contents">\n<table class="availability-table availability-table--plans">\n\n\n<td class="availability-table__col availability-table__col--disable" style="">\n

<a class="link linktype-component linktextconsumer" href="[\](">Free

\n\n<td class="availability-table__col availability-table__col--disable" style="">\n

<a class="link linktype-component linktextconsumer" href="[\](">Professional

\n\n<td class="availability-table__col" style="">\n

<a class="link linktype-component linktextconsumer" href="[\](">Team

\n\n<td class="availability-table__col" style="">\n

<a class="link linktype-component linktextconsumer" href="[\](">Business Plus

\n\n<td class="availability-table__col" style="">\n

<a class="link linktype-component linktextconsumer" href="[\](">Enterprise Standard

\n\n<td class="availability-table__col" style="">\n

<a class="link linktype-component linktextconsumer" href="[\](">Enterprise Pinnacle

\n\n\n\n\n\n\n<br class="table availability-table-block table-responsive-break">\n<div class="glossary-definitions" style="display:none!important;">\n\n<div class="itemizedlist">\n<ul class="itemizedlist" style="list-style-type: disc;">\n<li class="listitem">\n

<a class="link" href="#UUID-e39708f7-069b-dcf9-9e78-bf64b26b41ef_overview" title="Overview">Overview

\n\n<li class="listitem">\n

<a id="UUID-e39708f7-069b-dcf9-9e78-bf64b26b41ef_listitem-idm33333252856974"><a class="link" href="#UUID-e39708f7-069b-dcf9-9e78-bf64b26b41ef_vs" title="Calendar view vs. Calendars">Calendar view vs. Calendars

\n\n<li class="listitem">\n

<a class="link" href="#UUID-e39708f7-069b-dcf9-9e78-bf64b26b41ef_add" title="Add Calendar view">Add Calendar view

\n\n<li class="listitem">\n

<a class="link" href="#UUID-e39708f7-069b-dcf9-9e78-bf64b26b41ef_navigate" title="Navigate and customize the view">Navigate and customize the view

\n\n<li class="listitem">\n

<a class="link" href="#UUID-e39708f7-069b-dcf9-9e78-bf64b26b41ef_public_links" title="Public links to Calendar view">Public links to Calendar view

\n\n<li class="listitem">\n

<a class="link" href="#UUID-e39708f7-069b-dcf9-9e78-bf64b26b41ef_next" title="What's next?">What's next?

\n\n\n\n<div dir="ltr" class="section sub-topic">\n<div class="titlepage">\n<h2 class="title">\n<a data-zd-article="UUID-e39708f7-069b-dcf9-9e78-bf64b26b41ef" id="UUID-e39708f7-069b-dcf9-9e78-bf64b26b41ef_overview">Overview\n\n

Calendar view is one of <a class="xref linktype-component linktextconsumer" href="[\](">Wrike Views that allows you quickly display your work items on a timeline to keep track of what needs to be worked on and when. With this view, you can decide what needs to be added or rescheduled in your current projects, track the progress of running campaigns and activities, and plan future work on a large scale using the yearly or quarterly overview.

\n<div class="glossary-definitions" style="display:none!important;">\n\n<div dir="ltr" class="section sub-topic">\n<div class="titlepage">\n<h2 class="title">\n<a data-zd-article="UUID-e39708f7-069b-dcf9-9e78-bf64b26b41ef" id="UUID-e39708f7-069b-dcf9-9e78-bf64b26b41ef_vs">Calendar view vs. Calendars\n\n

Apart from Calendar view in Wrike, you can also find Calendars. Despite similar names, their applications differ. Calendar view focuses on an overview of work items on a project level or in a single location: a project, folder, or space. Use Calendar view when:

\n<div class="itemizedlist">\n<ul class="itemizedlist" style="list-style-type: disc;">\n<li class="listitem">\n

You are a project coordinator, manager, or program coordinator and primarily track single projects or campaigns.

\n\n<li class="listitem">\n

You work on a single complex project and want to take advantage of a customized timeline view.

\n\n<li class="listitem">\n

You have a single source that you'd like to have an overview of.

\n\n<li class="listitem">\n

You need to track the status and overlaps of items without action across a particular project, folder, or space.

\n\n<li class="listitem">\n

You often switch between different <a class="link linktype-component linktextconsumer" href="[\](">Wrike views, such as Table, Gantt, or Board, and want to see items on a calendar without leaving the window.


To learn more about Calendars and their application, visit <a class="xref linktype-component" href="[\](" title="Calendars in Wrike and How to Navigate Them">Calendars in Wrike and How to Navigate Them

\n<div class="glossary-definitions" style="display:none!important;">\n\n<div dir="ltr" class="section sub-topic">\n<div class="titlepage">\n<h2 class="title">\n<a data-zd-article="UUID-e39708f7-069b-dcf9-9e78-bf64b26b41ef" id="UUID-e39708f7-069b-dcf9-9e78-bf64b26b41ef_add">Add Calendar view\n\n

<span class="emphasis">*All users except collaborators can add Calendar view.*


To open your spaces and projects in Calendar view, you need to add it to your list of available views. To do that:

\n<div class="mediaobject"><img src="[\](" style="" alt="Calendar_View-Add_View.gif">\n<div class="procedure">\n<ol class="procedure" type="1">\n<li class="step">\n

Navigate to the relevant location and click on it

\n\n<li class="step">\n

Click the <span class="bold bold">**+** button next to existing views and select <span class="bold bold">**Calendar**


Once you add Calendar view to a location, you and other users can switch to it at any time, make it the default view for this location, and create custom views from it. Visit the <a class="xref linktype-component linktextconsumer" href="[\](">Wrike Views page to learn more.

\n<div class="glossary-definitions" style="display:none!important;">\n\n<div dir="ltr" class="section sub-topic">\n<div class="titlepage">\n<h2 class="title">\n<a data-zd-article="UUID-e39708f7-069b-dcf9-9e78-bf64b26b41ef" id="UUID-e39708f7-069b-dcf9-9e78-bf64b26b41ef_navigate">Navigate and customize the view\n\n

<span class="emphasis">*All users, including collaborators, can view spaces and projects in Calendar view.*


Once you open a location in Calendar view, you see all items within that location on the calendar grid. Items are represented by colored bars that span across items' scheduled dates. The color of the item bars depends on the item status color.

\n<div dir="ltr" class="note" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;">\n<h3 class="title">Note\n

Tasks and <a class="link linktype-component linktextconsumer" href="[\](">custom items must have an end date to be displayed in Calendar view. Projects must both have start and end dates to be shown.

\n\n<div dir="ltr" class="section sub-topic">\n<div class="titlepage">\n<h3 class="title">\n<a data-zd-article="UUID-e39708f7-069b-dcf9-9e78-bf64b26b41ef" id="UUID-e39708f7-069b-dcf9-9e78-bf64b26b41ef_section-idm4598087926832033097226699236">Zoom in and out of the time frame\n\n<div class="mediaobject"><img src="[\](" style="" alt="Calendar_View-Zoom.gif">\n

You can view items in weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly zooms. Use the <span class="bold bold">**Zoom** drop-down on the settings bar to select the relevant option for you.

\n<div class="glossary-definitions" style="display:none!important;">\n\n<div dir="ltr" class="section sub-topic">\n<div class="titlepage">\n<h3 class="title">\n<a data-zd-article="UUID-e39708f7-069b-dcf9-9e78-bf64b26b41ef" id="UUID-e39708f7-069b-dcf9-9e78-bf64b26b41ef_section-idm4553413815718433097227773823">Switch to a different week, month, quarter, or year\n\n<div class="mediaobject"><img src="[\](" style="" alt="Calendar_View-Switch_Time_Period.gif">\n

To view past or future periods, use the left and right arrows or the date picker on the left side of the settings bar.


You can always click the <span class="bold bold">**Today** button to bring the current date into focus. Today's date is highlighted in blue on weekly and monthly zooms, and displayed as a blue line on quarterly and yearly zooms.

\n<div class="glossary-definitions" style="display:none!important;">\n\n<div dir="ltr" class="section sub-topic">\n<div class="titlepage">\n<h3 class="title">\n<a data-zd-article="UUID-e39708f7-069b-dcf9-9e78-bf64b26b41ef" id="UUID-e39708f7-069b-dcf9-9e78-bf64b26b41ef_section-idm4575354238982433097195717691">Filtering items on the view\n\n<div class="mediaobject"><img src="[\](" style="" alt="Calendar_View-Filter_Items.gif">\n

If you only want to see certain items on the view, click the <span class="bold bold">**Filter** button on the left-most of the settings bar and select the relevant filters.

\n<div class="glossary-definitions" style="display:none!important;">\n\n<div dir="ltr" class="section sub-topic">\n<div class="titlepage">\n<h3 class="title">\n<a data-zd-article="UUID-e39708f7-069b-dcf9-9e78-bf64b26b41ef" id="UUID-e39708f7-069b-dcf9-9e78-bf64b26b41ef_section-idm4635122427636833252779561018">Change the way work items look on the grid\n\n<div dir="ltr" class="note" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;">\n<h3 class="title">Note\n

Not available on weekly and monthly zooms


If you don't need to see the exact start and end dates of work items on the calendar grid, click the three-dot menu button on the right-most of the settings bar and check <span class="bold bold">**Estimated durations**. This way, items with shorter durations appear more prominent and easier to see on yearly and quarterly zooms. Alternatively, uncheck the option to see the items' exact durations.

\n<div class="glossary-definitions" style="display:none!important;">\n\n<div dir="ltr" class="section sub-topic">\n<div class="titlepage">\n<h3 class="title">\n<a data-zd-article="UUID-e39708f7-069b-dcf9-9e78-bf64b26b41ef" id="UUID-e39708f7-069b-dcf9-9e78-bf64b26b41ef_section-idm4488386856721633097201487319">Display or hide week numbers\n\n<div dir="ltr" class="note" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;">\n<h3 class="title">Note\n

Not available on yearly zoom

\n\n<div class="mediaobject"><img src="[\](" style="" alt="Calendar_View-Week_Numbers.gif">\n

Click the three-dot menu button on the right-most of the settings bar and select <span class="bold bold">**Week numbers**. On weekly and monthly zooms, week numbers appear at the beginning of the week under the <span class="bold bold">**Monday** column on the left. On quarterly zoom, they appear under the week dates at the top.

\n<div class="glossary-definitions" style="display:none!important;">\n\n<div dir="ltr" class="section sub-topic">\n<div class="titlepage">\n<h3 class="title">\n<a data-zd-article="UUID-e39708f7-069b-dcf9-9e78-bf64b26b41ef" id="UUID-e39708f7-069b-dcf9-9e78-bf64b26b41ef_section-idm452401956211363309720155973">Display or hide subitems\n\n<div class="mediaobject"><img src="[\](" style="" alt="Calendar_View-Subitems.gif">\n

Click the three-dot menu button on the right-most of the settings bar and check the <span class="bold bold">**Subitems** to display subitems or uncheck it if you don't need to see them. Remember that subitems are also affected by the current filters on the view.

\n<div class="glossary-definitions" style="display:none!important;">\n\n<div dir="ltr" .....

deleted the other comment and put everything on the code view. If you can talk about this in private would be very beneficial to get through this more quickly, if not it's alright. To highlight again what I believe is happening: I used a python script to upload info from an API of mine to Elastic Search. It seems that info was indexed correctly into Elastic Search because when I go to, it does show me an output and I believe it is correct. However when I go to the Elastic Search website and go to Kibana to upload the created index "articles" it does not show up so I cannot test the Search App feature. @warkolm

Are you talking about using App Search?

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Yes, I read that if I want to use Search App in my website I first need to upload some documents for the app to search throught something. However I don't have the documents perse. I have an API with bunch of articles and I would love to improve the way my costumers interact with the search bar so they find what they are looking for quicker.

I uploaded the API in an indexed form to Elastic Search with a script. This is what I described in the last comment. Then, tried to go to Kibana and look for my new index but I couldn't find it altough when I go to 127.0.01:9200 it is there.

Can we follow up on this?

Which version of Kibana/Enterprise Search are you running?

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If you want to create and App Search engine using the Elasticsearch index you created with the python script I would first suggest trying to follow this guide and seeing if that will work for you.

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I will read it and come back to you if I have any more questions. Thanks

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