Can't load dataset for offline lab of Elasticsearch Engineer I (blogs.csv)


I would like to redo the entire Elasticsearch Engineer I training. I have my cluster setup using 3 virtual machines on my PC. Cluster is up and running, so is Kibana. How can i upload all the neccesary data used in labs? There is a file called blogs.csv in the datasets folder, but Kibana is unable to load it. How to overcome it?

File could not be read
[timeout_exception] Aborting structure analysis during [timestamp format determination] as it has taken longer than the timeout of [25s], with { suppressed={ 0={ type="exception" & reason="Explanation so far:\n[Using character encoding [UTF-8], which matched the input with [100%] confidence]\n[Not NDJSON because there was a parsing exception: [Unrecognized token 'Elastic': was expecting ('true', 'false' or 'null') at [Source: "Elastic Cloud and Meltdown;;/blog/elastic-cloud-and-meltdown;Elastic Engineer..."; line: 1, column: 8]]]\n[Not XML because there was a parsing exception: [ParseError at [row,col]:[1,1] Message: Content is not allowed in prolog.]]\n[Not CSV because a line has an unescaped quote that is not at the beginning or end of a field: [Brewing in Beats: Password Keystore;;/blog/brewing-in-beats-password-keystore;Monica Sarbu;January 05, 2018;Brewing in Beats;; Did you know that is already available? Try it and let us know what you think. If you are curious to see the Beats in action, we just published the . This update includes the changes over the last two weeks. Password keystoreWe have merged the which allow users to define sensitive information into an obfuscated data store on disk instead of having them defined in plaintext in the yaml configuration.# create new keystore to disk ./metricbeat keystore create # add a new key to the store. ./metricbeat keystore add elasticsearch_password # remove a key from the store ./metricbeat keystore remove elasticsearch_password # list the configured keys without the sensitive information ./metricbeat keystore list You can then reference the keys from the keystore using the same syntax that we use for the environment variables: password: "${elasticserarch_password}" In the current implementation, the passwords are not encrypted into the keystore, only obfuscated. This new feature is planned to be released with the 6.2 release. Structured logging in libbeatThis refactors the logging of libbeat and adds support for structured logging. The new logging implementation is based on , which is one of the most efficient structured logging libraries for Golang. To switch to the JSON format, simply add to the configuration file. Another enhancement is that the Beats can also . By setting , all logs will be written to the Application log. The source name will be the name of the Beat. Besides this, there are no changes to the user facing logging configuration. The non-JSON logger output has some format differences, but, in general, it will have a more consistent format across outputs. These changes are only in the master branch at the moment, but we will likely include it in 6.2. Metricbeat: Read HAProxy metrics over HTTPThanks to , the HAProxy module can in addition to the TCP socket. This means HTTP authentication is also supported when reading the stats. The improvement will be available in the 6.2 release. Other changes:Repository: elastic/beatsAffecting all BeatsChanges in master: MetricbeatChanges in 6.1: PacketbeatChanges in master: AuditbeatChanges in master: TestingChanges in master: Changes in 6.1: Changes in 6.0: InfrastructureChanges in master: DocumentationChanges in 6.1: ]]\n[Not TSV because a line has an unescaped quote that is not at the beginning or end of a field: [Brewing in Beats: Password Keystore;;/blog/brewing-in-beats-password-keystore;Monica Sarbu;January 05, 2018;Brewing in Beats;; Did you know that is already available? Try it and let us know what you think. If you are curious to see the Beats in action, we just published the . This update includes the changes over the last two weeks. Password keystoreWe have merged the which allow users to define sensitive information into an obfuscated data store on disk instead of having them defined in plaintext in the yaml configuration.# create new keystore to disk ./metricbeat keystore create # add a new key to the store. ./metricbeat keystore add elasticsearch_password # remove a key from the store ./metricbeat keystore remove elasticsearch_password # list the configured keys without the sensitive information ./metricbeat keystore list You can then reference the keys from the keystore using the same syntax that we use for the environment variables: password: "${elasticserarch_password}" In the current implementation, the passwords are not encrypted into the keystore, only obfuscated. This new feature is planned to be released with the 6.2 release. Structured logging in libbeatThis refactors the logging of libbeat and adds support for structured logging. The new logging implementation is based on , which is one of the most efficient structured logging libraries for Golang. To switch to the JSON format, simply add to the configuration file. Another enhancement is that the Beats can also . By setting , all logs will be written to the Application log. The source name will be the name of the Beat. Besides this, there are no changes to the user facing logging configuration. The non-JSON logger output has some format differences, but, in general, it will have a more consistent format across outputs. These changes are only in the master branch at the moment, but we will likely include it in 6.2. Metricbeat: Read HAProxy metrics over HTTPThanks to , the HAProxy module can in addition to the TCP socket. This means HTTP authentication is also supported when reading the stats. The improvement will be available in the 6.2 release. Other changes:Repository: elastic/beatsAffecting all BeatsChanges in master: MetricbeatChanges in 6.1: PacketbeatChanges in master: AuditbeatChanges in master: TestingChanges in master: Changes in 6.1: Changes in 6.0: InfrastructureChanges in master: DocumentationChanges in 6.1: ]]\n[Not semicolon delimited values because a line has an unescaped quote that is not at the beginning or end of a field: [Brewing in Beats: Password Keystore;;/blog/brewing-in-beats-password-keystore;Monica Sarbu;January 05, 2018;Brewing in Beats;; Did you know that is already available? Try it and let us know what you think. If you are curious to see the Beats in action, we just published the . This update includes the changes over the last two weeks. Password keystoreWe have merged the which allow users to define sensitive information into an obfuscated data store on disk instead of having them defined in pla...

Hello there,

The best way to load the data inside Elasticsearch is probably to use Filebeat and Logstash. You should download the 2 softwares then use the blog_csv.conf and the filebeat.yml, make sure that they both points towards the good datasets.


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cat datasets/blogs.csv | ./logstash-7.3.1/bin/logstash -f datasets/blogs_csv.conf

it'll take a while to load so just let it run for a while..

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Had to do several things before that. Since I'm using VirtualBox, I had to install Guest Additions and share a folder between my host and my virtual machine. Then i moved the files and managed to configure and run Logstash using above command.

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