Cant split rows in table

Hello i am trying to split the rows of my table in kibana, but when i do that i am having no record founds. I go back to discover in order to see if the field that i am spliting is with info and yes. Any idea?

      "level": {
        "ignore_above": 1024,
        "type": "keyword"

this is how i define in the index template.


Hey @Sebastian_Herrera, are you trying to create a Data Table visualization with split rows? Can you share an example Elasticsearch document and a screenshot of the Visualization configuration that is giving you trouble?

Hello @Brandon_Kobel yeap i am trying to create a data table, here are the screens that you ask for. The same is happening if i try to split rows in a line graph.


Which version of Kibana are you running? If you open up your browser's developer tools, do you see an error logged in the Console? Is there an error "toast" shown when you try to add the terms aggregation?

version is 6.2.4, is happening too, any toast shown :frowning:

@Sebastian_Herrera if you decrease the "Size" from 1000 to 10, do you see results? 1000 is a lot of buckets...

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