Canvas dropdown filter not showing all the values for the chosen column


I am using the dropdown filter on my canvas board right now and I have managed to get it working however depending on the time range i set it will not pick up all the values for the column i have filtered for. We are also processing a lot of data so I have 2 queries:

  1. I believe the filter not working is due canvas having a limitation with the number of records it can process in a query, is this correct?

  2. If (1) is true is there a way to write the query to only select unique values for the given column being filtered for?

Hello Hamish, have you got a minimal query example of what you have tried? It's not clear what query language you use, and within that, what you have tried. For example, SQL has GROUP BY which allows grouping by unique values of a column (whether you filter on it or not).

There's indeed a record limit count both in Canvas (that you can specify with a higher value) and at the Elasticsearch level (which requires changes to the elasticsearc.yaml configuration)

Hi @monfera ,

I am using essql and had not tried Group BY yet. This was my original query:

| essql query={string "SELECT function From \"index\" "}
| dropdownControl valueColumn="function" filterColumn="function.keyword"
| render

I tried using GROUP BY function and that seems to have done the trick:

| essql query={string "SELECT function From \"index\" 
group by function"}
| dropdownControl valueColumn="function" filterColumn="function.keyword"
| render

Thanks for the help

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