Dropdown filter didn't work

my dropdown filter
essql query="SELECT fields.FileType as fileType FROM "test_index-*" where fields.FileType is not null group by fields.FileType"
| dropdownControl valueColumn="fileType" filterColumn="fileType" filterGroup="moin"
| render

My data table
filters group="moin" ungrouped=true
| essql query="SELECT fields.FileName as File, fields.FileType as Type, fields.MessageType as Action, "@timestamp" as Date FROM "test_index-*" WHERE fields.FileType is not null and fields.MessageType = 'NewFile'"
| table
| render

If i select a filter value other than --ANY-- the data table will be empty....
Is it the group by function in the dropdown filter ?

Hi @McSaesch,

The filterColumn parameter of the dropdownControl function has to be set to the full field name you want to filter by on the actual document - not the column name in the generated data table. It looks like the field name is fields.FileType, so could you try the following expression for the dropdown:

essql query="SELECT fields.FileType as fileType FROM "test_index-*" where fields.FileType is not null group by fields.FileType"
| dropdownControl valueColumn="fileType" filterColumn="fields.FileType" filterGroup="moin"
| render

I've change the controls, but it won't work.

query="SELECT fields.FileType as fileType FROM "test-*" where fields.FileType is not null group by fields.FileType"
| dropdownControl valueColumn="fileType" filterColumn="fields.FileType" filterGroup="moin"
| render

filters group="moin" ungrouped=true
| essql
query="SELECT fields.FileName as Datei, fields.FileType as Typ, fields.MessageType as Grund, "@timestamp" as Datum FROM "test-*" WHERE fields.FileType is not null and fields.MessageType = 'NewFile' ORDER BY "@timestamp" desc"
| table
font={font family="'Open Sans', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif" size=16 align="left" color="#444444" weight="bold" underline=false italic=false}
| render
containerStyle={containerStyle border="2px solid #FFFFFF" borderRadius="2px" backgroundColor="#BBBBBB"}

What did i wrong?

Could you share your mapping and an example document? That will make it easier to reproduce your specific problem.

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