Combine two index in one using Kibana


I have a requirement to combine two index in Elasticsearch on basis of below criteria -
Record1: {"service": "abc", "opened_at":"2024-11-04T16:48:04.000Z","closed_at":"2024-11-05T18:00:10.000Z")
Record2: {"service": "abc", "opened_at":"2024-11-06T16:48:04.000Z","closed_at":"2024-11-07T18:00:10.000Z")

Record1: {"service": "abc", "opened_at":"2024-11-06T16:48:04.000Z","closed_at":"2024-11-17T18:00:10.000Z")
Record2: {"service": "abc", "opened_at":"2024-11-10T16:48:04.000Z","closed_at":"2024-11-17T18:00:10.000Z")

So I want to correalet both of them on basis of service for example service and closed time on index 1 correlate to index2 service same and open time should be more than the closed time in index1 and less then the closed time of next record .
In that case index1 record1 will correlate to index2 record 1 .

Please suggest.

Hi @amity.nidhi Welcome to the Elastic community. Do you want to fetch all records which satisfying above conditions? or do you want to perform some calculation ? You can simply perform query on both the index index1,index2.

I want to fetch all records satisfying this condition and present it in dashboard

You can achieve this using script query. Could you help us with your index mapping and sample document index query. I will try to build query accordingly. thanks

Hello @ashishtiwari1993 , Sorry I dont have much experience with elasticsearch . Can you please help to elaborate.

Can I use python for this purpose ?
But i am not sure where should i schedule

Hello @ashishtiwari1993 , can you please help to share some example . the data i shared in my post is a sample data itself.

HI @amity.nidhi, Could you sample data as you mentioned above but still it is unclear to perform poc. Let's assume you've below records -

POST index1/_doc
  "service": "abc",
  "opened_at": "2024-11-04T16:48:04.000Z",
  "closed_at": "2024-11-05T18:00:10.000Z"

POST index1/_doc
  "service": "abc",
  "opened_at": "2024-11-06T16:48:04.000Z",
  "closed_at": "2024-11-07T18:00:10.000Z"

POST index2/_doc
  "service": "abc",
  "opened_at": "2024-11-06T16:48:04.000Z",
  "closed_at": "2024-11-17T18:00:10.000Z"

POST index2/_doc
  "service": "abc",
  "opened_at": "2024-11-10T16:48:04.000Z",
  "closed_at": "2024-11-17T18:00:10.000Z"

Now on which condition you expecting which documents ? Correlation we can do basis on service name but could you give more explanation around your conditions?

Hello Ashish ,
I want to combine both records when closed_at in index1 is less that in index2

For Example :-
record in index1 doc1 have close_at time 2024-11-05T18:00:10.000Z which is less than opened at time in index2 doc1 so to create index3 with additional field in index2
POST index3/_doc
"service": "abc",
"opened_at": "2024-11-06T16:48:04.000Z",
"closed_at": "2024-11-17T18:00:10.000Z"
"dependentonindex1" : "yes-reference-record-from-index1"

Similarly it should correlate others.

Here are some sample Data -

Index 1:

``index 1
"_index": "change_test",
"_type": "_doc",
"_id": "adqddqw",
"fields": {
"state": [
"closed_at": [

"_index": "change_test",
"_type": "_doc",
"_id": "adqddqw",
"fields": {
"state": [
"closed_at": [

Index 2

"_index": "incident_test",
"_type": "_doc",
"_id": "adqddqw",
"fields": {
"state": [
"closed_at": [

In this case create index3 with correlation as business service and closed_at in index1 should be greater that doc1 but less than doc2.
so that first record in index2 correlate to only first record in in index1 not not second record