Compare 2 run of elastic synthetic monitor runs

Can we use elastic synthetics to compare 2 different runs and get the difference in performance with waterfall chart to get insight into root cause for load time increase?
We got load time trend to identify whether page load is slower. But inorder to get to change causing slowness, would like to find out a way to compare waterfall chart and identify resource(s) causing slowness. Let me know if we have any inbuilt option

Hi @senyam08 - this is not a direct capability we have today, as our focus is primarily on end-to-end testing of web pages, with some solid performance metrics gathering as part of that. To compare two runs directly would be a manual process, as we do not have additional analysis tools built in that can do this.

I will take this to the team though and if we decide to add an enhancement request for it I will link it back to this thread as well. Please reach out if we can answer any further questions for you, and thanks for using Synthetics!


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