Connect Salesforce with Elastic

Hi everyone,
im using elastic cloud and i need to integrate Salesforce. What i need to do is analize logs coming from salesforce like SetupAuditTrail.
I have found different solution for my problem:

  • Using the Integration of salesforce
  • Using Java for listening changes using http connection and sending data to logstash and then elastic
  • Connecting logstash to salesforce (input) and elastic (output)

All those solution are difficult and i need to understand on which one solution focus. The first one in not super clear for me how it works.

I have also seen that in elastic cloud you can use logstash pipeline (Centralized Pipeline Management) but i dont know if im able to use them.

Thanks in advance for everyone helping :slight_smile:

There is more details on the salesforce integration (currently beta) here.

The first one in not super clear for me how it works.

Can you elaborate on the issue faced?

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