Convert Date time Using StandardTimeZonename instead of Zoneid

Hi Team,

I am facing issue to convert Datetime value into their Specific time zone by refering Timezone name from doc.

In my scenario, we have data for different timezones on elastic with thereTimezone belonging field, I want to use full name of TimeZone (attached) instead of using ZoneId like (UTS, PST,CST) to make it dynamic.

In my example, I am able to convert the datetime by passing the sort name of Zone but want to use the full name as we have in the document.

Kindly help me to get the date converted in their mentioned timezone. attached example of one-time zone but we have others as well. like

Hawaiian Standard Time
Alaskan Standard Time
Pacific Standard Time
Mountain Standard Time
Central Standard Time
Eastern Standard Time
West Pacific Standard Time

Thanks for helping.

Hi @M.Naim .

I believe that with the StandardTimeZone name it is not possible to find the timezone. The correct is to use the ID.
I don't know if you can perform a reprocessing of the data to index the ZoneId but it would be the most interesting.

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