Created Index Pattern is not visible in KIbana 7.0.1

I have created one index pattern.but the created index pattern is not visible.


Hi, I have the same issue for 7.1.0 version


I've the exact same issue with 7.1. The create index patten wizzard for Kibana seems not to be working. I would gladly provide any output from Elastic if you ask for it.

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I have created an another topic ...

Any solution here?

I have the same issue, the wizard seems as though it creates the index-pattern. But when I click on discover, it asks for the index pattern to be created.

So at this point I can't visualize my data.

Hey @Alex_Piggott, any ideas here?
I recreated the cluster and tried different indices but nothing is working.
I upgraded to the latest 7.1.1, it seems like this issue started after the 7.0 upgrade.

Is there a ticket opened for this?

Same issue here. After clean install and loading documents with logstash the index itself exists.

yellow open agw_production_xps_agw-xps-xps_sfc203343 582xQ3MbSBmfWOkUejiLSw 1 1 266440 12664 143.1mb 143.1mb

Go into Discover and Kibana asks to create index pattern. Create the index pattern and make it favorite. The pattern name does not appear under the [Create index pattern] button. Go back to discover and Kibana asks to create an index pattern again.

The index exists but it looks like Kibana fails to save the index pattern.

POST .kibana/_search
"query": {
"term": {
"type": {
"value": "index-pattern"

"took" : 1,
"timed_out" : false,
"_shards" : {
"total" : 1,
"successful" : 1,
"skipped" : 0,
"failed" : 0
"hits" : {
"total" : {
"value" : 0,
"relation" : "eq"
"max_score" : null,
"hits" :



Can you look at the log of your elasticsearch when you try to access the Saved Object (to visualize your index-pattern) ?

And check if you have Fielddata error on the index .kibana

(the index is created but kibana can't perform any search on it)

This seems to be the same case as :

I created an issue on github on this :


That will certainly help driving this towards resolution.

After I found similar issues on the forum, I cleaned up everything and got back to a 6.8.1 ELK stack. Therefore I can't do as you suggested nor get the logs.

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