Creating processor [set_security_user] (tag [null]) on field [_security] but authentication is not currently enabled


I get this WARN in loop in our elastic logs. How can I disable them? We are inside dockers and don't want/need to enable authentication.

{"@timestamp":"2022-05-05T10:24:53.093Z", "log.level": "WARN", "message":"Creating processor [set_security_user] (tag [null]) on field [_security] but authentication is not currently enabled on this cluster - this processor is likely to fail at runtime if it is used", "ecs.version": "1.2.0","":"ES_ECS","event.dataset":"Elasticsearch.server","":"Elasticsearch[elastic][generic][T#6]","log.logger":"","Elasticsearch.cluster.uuid":"CEHMs-OgRjONd7n3Y6zF3g","":"EDzxdMgoQWalZ-iGjtWMkg","":"elastic","":"elastic-cluster"}

Some process/component in your environment is creating pipeline with SetSecurityProcessor. You need find that process/component and stop it from sending the PutIngestPipeline request.

Stopping Metricbeat stops the warn logs. But I don't see anything related to this topic in metribeat documentation nor even source code.

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