Curator doesnt show any output

I am new to curator and currently trying it out.
I want to run curator out of a docker so i downloaded the rpm files (version 5.5) for centos 7 and installed docker based out of centos:7 image.

yum localinstall elasticsearch-curator-5.5.4-1.x86_64.rpm

The installation went without issues, i also updated the openssl-libs to latest just in case.

when i run the curator_cli i get no output. Even help doesnt seem to work.

curator_cli --help
I tried to connect to Elasticsearch running on another docker that also gives no response

curator_cli --host --port 9200 show_indices --verbose --header

i downloaded the same version of curator for windows and all the above commands work.

C:\Tools\curator-5.5.4-amd64> curator_cli --host --port 9200 show_indices --verbose --header
Index State Size Docs Pri Rep Creation Timestamp
.monitoring-es-6-2018.05.30 open 555.9KB 261 1 0 2018-05-30T17:32:45Z
.triggered_watches open 230.0B 0 1 0 2018-05-30T17:33:46Z
.watcher-history-7-2018.05.30 open 234.4KB 30 1 0 2018-05-30T17:33:46Z
.watches open 23.9KB 6 1 0 2018-05-30T17:32:46Z

I need some help trying to debug the issue, are there any dependencies i am missing on centos/ubuntu. In the documentation it was said all of them were packages in rpm file.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

That seems... unusual.

[buh@centos7-pkg-test ~]$ sudo yum install elasticsearch-curator
---> Package elasticsearch-curator.x86_64 0:5.5.4-1 will be installed
Downloading Packages:
elasticsearch-curator-5.5.4-1.x86_64.rpm                                                                                |  14 MB     00:15
Running Transaction
  Installing : elasticsearch-curator-5.5.4-1.x86_64                                                                                        1/1
  Verifying  : elasticsearch-curator-5.5.4-1.x86_64                                                                                        1/1

  elasticsearch-curator.x86_64 0:5.5.4-1

[buh@centos7-pkg-test ~]$ curator_cli --help
Usage: curator_cli [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  --config PATH       Path to configuration file. Default: ~/.curator/curator.yml
  --host TEXT         Elasticsearch host.
  --url_prefix TEXT   Elasticsearch http url prefix.

I get basically identical output from CentOS 6 as well, with its respective RPM.

I can confirm that the centos:7 Docker image does behave exactly as you have described. I wish I knew what was omitted so I could tell you what to add. Something clearly is omitted, and I don't know what that dependency might be. I have done everything I can to include every Curator dependency (i.e. Python binary and associated libraries), but that would leave everything else up to the OS. I can't even do a file command in this image. There are no troubleshooting binaries either. Perhaps you should start with a different image, and work your way over from there.

I'd avoid an image that large like the plague, anyway. This works wonders:

$ docker run -ti --rm python:3.6.5-alpine /bin/sh
/ # pip install elasticsearch-curator
Collecting elasticsearch-curator
/ # curator_cli --help
Usage: curator_cli [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  --config PATH       Path to configuration file. Default: ~/.curator/curator.yml
  --host TEXT         Elasticsearch host.
  --url_prefix TEXT   Elasticsearch http url prefix.
  --port TEXT         Elasticsearch port.
  --use_ssl           Connect to Elasticsearch through SSL.
  --certificate TEXT  Path to certificate to use for SSL validation.
  --client-cert TEXT  Path to file containing SSL certificate for client auth.
  --client-key TEXT   Path to file containing SSL key for client auth.
  --ssl-no-validate   Do not validate SSL certificate
  --http_auth TEXT    Use Basic Authentication ex: user:pass
  --timeout INTEGER   Connection timeout in seconds.
  --master-only       Only operate on elected master node.
  --dry-run           Do not perform any changes.
  --loglevel TEXT     Log level
  --logfile TEXT      log file
  --logformat TEXT    Log output format [default|logstash|json].
  --version           Show the version and exit.
  --help              Show this message and exit.

  alias             Add/Remove Indices to/from Alias
  allocation        Shard Routing Allocation
  close             Close Indices
  delete_indices    Delete Indices
  delete_snapshots  Delete Snapshots
  forcemerge        forceMerge Indices (reduce segment count)
  open              Open Indices
  replicas          Change Replica Count
  restore           Restore Indices
  rollover          Rollover Index associated with Alias
  show_indices      Show Indices
  show_snapshots    Show Snapshots
  shrink            Shrink Indices to --number_of_shards
  snapshot          Snapshot Indices

Thanks a lot for the reply...
The centos 7 test you did was on a VM?
I also checked and everything works on VM/vagrants (i tried centos and ubuntu).
I only had issues with docker images.
My plan was to add curator to my existing elasticsearch docker, is that a bad approach?
Since the latest elasticsearch runs on centos 7 i was trying curator on the same image.

Yes. LXC VM on Proxmox.

It's only a bad approach if there's something missing that would prevent Curator from running—which, apparently, there is. The python version on the centos:7 image is way too old to install via pip (which isn't on the image either).

I am going to try a few more things, then will go with with a separate docker like you suggested. Thanks a lot.

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