Curator need to add include_global_state in snapshot job?


I am using curator 4.2.6 to do the snapshot of my ES cluster . And in the snapshot action file i had seen flag include_global_state :True . It seems to store the ES cluster state .
What this actually mean ? Is it that important to have when creating a snapshot ? Because i went through this ES documentation where they had mentioned setting include_global_state to false it’s possible to prevent the cluster global state to be stored as part of the snapshot. By default, the entire snapshot will fail if one or more indices participating in the snapshot don’t have all primary shards available. This behaviour can be changed by setting partial to true.

It means if i keep include_global_state :True in my curator action file and if one or more indices participating in the snapshot don’t have all primary shards available then my snapshot will fail right.

Correct me If i am wrong?


You've conflated two settings.

setting include_global_state to false it’s possible to prevent the cluster global state to be stored as part of the snapshot.

This is the end of the description for include_global_state.

What comes next:

By default, the entire snapshot will fail if one or more indices participating in the snapshot don’t have all primary shards available. This behaviour can be changed by setting partial to true.

These sentences describe the partial setting.

Including the global state is good for full cluster restores. It doesn't hurt to include it. The default for restoring, however, is include_global_state: False. If only restoring a single index, it could be bad to overwrite the global state, so that's why that's the default.

Thanks @theuntergeek

Now i got clarity . By default partial setting will be partial:False in snapshot curator action file . IS it good practice to keep this toTrue in the action file because i don't want my curator job to fail.


You probably do want your Curator job to fail if it's partial. Otherwise you might miss a serious issue with your cluster. A partial snapshot means something is possibly very wrong with your cluster, as it means shards are missing or unresponsive.

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