Is there a way to automate or programmatically create dashboards/visualizations using an API?
Is there a way to automate or programmatically create dashboards/visualizations using an API?
Hello Erik,
It depends what you expect of the API: There are options if you already have a dashboard that you want to import (see below). If you need an API to generate the dashboard from scratch, then you are out of luck as Elastic does not publish details about the structure (see here for an explaination).
The options to import a dashboard supported directly by Elastic are:
But there are also community projects like this.
Best regards
I have been using something similar but I do export all dashboard one by one from all spaces and save them individually with date stamp and keep for 30 days backup.
first I get all spaces name
space_names = requests.get(url_space, auth=(elk_admin_user,elk_admin_password), verify=False)
then for each space I get dashbaord names
dashboard_names = requests.get(dashboard_url, params=params, headers=headers, auth=(elk_admin_user,elk_admin_password), verify=False)
dashboard_name = dashboard_names.json()
dashboard_names_array = dashboard_name['saved_objects']
then for each dashbord you export them out and save it.
now you can use any of this ndjson file via kibana or import to create dasboard in other kibana
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