Data Type in Kibana & sync pace?

  • If i changed a field's data type within the same indice, does Kibana show the previous data type or the updated one, or both??

  • And does kibana instantly reflect the update from ES? (which i don't think so)

If you change any data type for an index that Kibana references, or even add a new field, you'll have refresh the mappings for the Index Pattern that Kibana uses to reference the data.

Go to Settings > Indices > select your Index Pattern, click the "Refresh field list" button.

Sure, thanks~
Is the data flow instantaneous? Like i feed the data into logstash, will i see them right away at ES and then Kibana?

But what about for ONE same field, part of its records are String, then later, i updated the field with some other Number types log files?

Is the data flow instantaneous? Like i feed the data into logstash, will i see them right away at ES and then Kibana?

Indexing in Elasticsearch requires a refresh on the shards, which happens every 1 second. So your data is available after 1 second. See: Near Real-Time Search | Elasticsearch: The Definitive Guide [2.x] | Elastic

But what about for ONE same field, part of its records are String, then later, i updated the field with some other Number types log files?

Refreshing the Index Pattern in Kibana will take care of that for you.