Delete all data streams when delete index through data stream API

I have index "test-index", and other data streams but "test index" data stream.
When I try to delete this "test-index" index through data stream API (and "test-index" data stream does not exist), I get "acknowledge: true" and all data streams are deleted.

Because of this, we had to solve data loss of all our logs, can you please confirm it's the very unpleasant bug?


Could you paste here the exact commands you ran?

Ideally a full reproduction script would help to understand what is happening.

This creates some data streams and "test-index" index

for i in `seq  11 20`; do
# Creates a component template for mappings
curl --insecure -X PUT "https://user:pass@localhost:9200/_component_template/my-mappings-${i}?pretty" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d"
  \"template\": {
    \"mappings\": {
      \"properties\": {
        \"@timestamp\": {
          \"type\": \"date\",
          \"format\": \"date_optional_time||epoch_millis\"
        \"message\": {
          \"type\": \"wildcard\"
  \"_meta\": {
    \"description\": \"Mappings for @timestamp and message fields\",
    \"my-custom-meta-field\": \"More arbitrary metadata\"
# Creates a component template for index settings
curl --insecure -X PUT "https://user:pass@localhost:9200/_component_template/my-settings-${i}?pretty" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d"
  \"template\": {
    \"settings\": {
      \"\": \"my-lifecycle-policy-${i}\"
  \"_meta\": {
    \"description\": \"Settings for ILM\",
    \"my-custom-meta-field\": \"More arbitrary metadata\"
curl --insecure -X PUT "https://user:pass@localhost:9200/_index_template/my-index-template-${i}?pretty" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d"
  \"index_patterns\": [\"my-data-stream-${i}*\"],
  \"data_stream\": { },
  \"composed_of\": [ \"my-mappings-${i}\", \"my-settings-${i}\" ],
  \"priority\": 500${i},
  \"_meta\": {
    \"description\": \"Template for my time series data\",
    \"my-custom-meta-field\": \"More arbitrary metadata\"
curl --insecure -X PUT "https://user:pass@localhost:9200/_data_stream/my-data-stream-${i}?pretty"

curl --insecure -X PUT "https://user:pass@localhost:9200/test-index

After that I will delete test index with data stream API

curl --insecure -X PUT "https://user:pass@localhost:9200/_data_stream/test-index

And all the data streams are gone.

From Delete data stream API | Elasticsearch Guide [7.15] | Elastic (I've added the emphasis);

Deletes one or more data streams and their backing indices

Not sure what you are trying to say.

The problem is deleting all other data streams in a cluster, not backing indices.

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