Disable On-Click filtering in embedded visualizations

Hello All,

I'm hoping there's a quick and easy solution for this. I've embedded the memory usage visualization from the topbeats example dashboard into a simple webpage. I don't mind users zooming in the time frame (by doing the click-drag-release on a section of the graph), but filters are a problem.

I want the ability to block out the 'Apply these filters?' dialog box. I don't need my users having access to that.

example pic

v4.4 being used btw

That's not currently available unfortunately. Not sure if it's something we are working on though, but please raise a feature request if you're interested in having it :slight_smile:

I would like to knwo if this question has been solved with new kibana releases !


I have spent some time playing with Grafana recently. It seems to have a decent set of controls in regards to my original question. However, it won't create all of the graph types that kibana can. I should mosey over to github and file the feature request. I've just been lazy. :grin:

ps. FYI I've not tried shield w/Kibana so I cannot comment on that aspect.