I would reply to the recent thread but it's locked!
Anyway we are looking at moving to ECE from our current node-based license and wanted some clarity around the issues described in the documentation.
The memory issues well remembered gives fantastic insight into the issue. Thankfully it also provides a link to the fix (or is that really the fix?).
Anyway we are hoping to run docker on RHEL7.3 or 7.4 - Red Hat provides support for two versions of Docker (1.12 and 1.13), and it appears that the kernel fix above was backported to RHEL as part of RHSA-2015-2552, which is present in RHEL7.2+
Can someone from elastic confirm whether the lwn article is indeed the fix being referred to? In which case using the (Red Hat supported) docker release is likely to have no problems (at least not with the kmem accounting described in the blog).
Docker 1.11 is REALLY old now (last release in May 2016) and doesn't appear to have any commercial support available.