Drill down o kibana table based on field's value

I have a data table in my dashboard and the table is split based on a field whose values are names of different cities and table will show the count of different cities. Is it possible to drill down based on the city's name? for example when city is A , there be an option that by clicking on it , a new dashboard about city A will be shown.


Yeah, usually next to the value there is a + and - that allows you filter on that value on the dashboard.

thank you but I do not want to filter out or filter in, for example I have a table with different projects name, I mean there is a field whose name is my_project in a table , its values have been listed as project1, project2, ....
is there the ability to click on project's name (like project1) and then , it can drill down to the dashboard of project1?

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