Elastic APM Javagent + Elastic search

I am using elastic-apm-agent-1.45.0.jar to instrument a java spring boot application. I have installed Elasticsearch - 8.8.0 and apm-server-8.8.0 on my local windows machine. Made necessary basic config changes to the yml files however on starting the apm-server it gives below errors:

  • resource_not_found_exception -index template matching [metrics-apm.service_summary.60m] not found.

  • index template matching [traces-apm] not found

Note: I dont want to use Elastic Cloud or Fleet/Kibana as my purpose is to use Elasticsearch with Grafana

Hi @RavaliJ Welcome to the community...

Did you follow these steps here:

Yes, it is a bit confusing, but you still need to do it. That is how the templates, mapping, etc., get loaded adding the integration loads them.

Give it a try.. you do not need fleet...

Step 2: Set up and configure

Starting in version 8.0.0, Fleet uses the APM integration to set up and manage APM index templates, ILM policies, and ingest pipelines. APM Server will only send data to Elasticsearch after the APM integration has been installed.

Install the APM integration

If you have an internet connection

An internet connection is required to install the APM integration via the Fleet UI in Kibana.

  1. Open Kibana and select Add integrations > Elastic APM.
  2. Click APM integration.
  3. Click Add Elastic APM.
  4. Click Save and continue.
  5. Click Add Elastic Agent later. You do not need to run an Elastic Agent to complete the setup.

And to be Clear it is the Elastic APM integration EVEN if you don't run fleet....

Hi @stephenb
Thanks for your quick response.
Does that mean Kibana installation and setup is a mandate thing for Elastic APM to work? Can you confirm. Thanks.

That is exactly what I said and why it is the the instructions in the documentation.
That is what sets up the mappings and templates etc. That you need and are missing!

Try it :slight_smile:

I tried installing and setting up Kibana, however when i try to Add APM agent it gives below error:
Error loading integration details-Kibana security must be enabled to use fleet

Note: I have added below in Kibana.yml to disable security

xpack.fleet.agents.tlsCheckDisabled: true

Kindly suggest on how to disable security as all these are running on my windows locally

Hmm that will not work.. that is why enabling security on elasticsearch and kibana is preferred, security is required for many functions these days ... let me look a bit further.... but you may need to enable security or manually load the templates etc somehow.

I am not sure

Hmm from the docs

Starting in version 8.0.0, Fleet uses the APM integration to set up and manage APM index templates, ILM policies, and ingest pipelines. APM Server will only send data to Elasticsearch after the APM integration has been installed.

And fleet requires security... not sure how you are going to get around that...

Sure, keep me posted with any sort of possibilities. Also meanwhile i tried installing and configuring apm-server however when it's up & running it says no APM server detected

Could be becuase the correct data is not being written because of the missing templates ... as the integration is supposed to be installed as step 2 before you start the apm server in step 3.

At this point I am not finding a simple work around... security is expected to be enabled....

8.7 Does not require security 8.8+ Requires security...

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